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June 2018 Babies

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719 Replies • 7 years ago



Pregnancy test calculator

Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.

401 - 410 of 719 Replies | Last Page

@purplesummer1205. Oh I hope so; just hope there are enough swimmers

@Beaut1ful38. My temp yesterday was 98.4 and today was at 98.2. Good luck to you this cycle. I used pre-seed the last two cycles. I believe on my last cycle that I didn't ovulate as my temps were the same for 5 days and I can remember a few days before Ovulation, I was really stressed out so that probably stopped all things from happening.

AFM. 2dpo and not sure what to expect on this tww and what symptoms to even look for. Last night, I was gassy and my stomach ached really bad. Are there any common symptoms I should be looking for? On the app that I use, it says on a 28-day cycle I have 10 days left before my next period. Is that going to be enough time for the egg to latch, etc?

Good luck to anyone testing soon.

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6 years ago

@purplesummer1205 - Thanks!

I'm 9dpo today, and I tested last night and this morning...I thought I saw a faint line and if there is one it's not really showing up that well in the pic...but since I woke up yesterday, I have felt pregnant. I'm a teacher, and I caught myself protecting my belly from the kids, without even realizing I was doing it! My husband needs scientific proof, but I just feel it.

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6 years ago

@Ruby - I think your doc is in for a surprise then! LOL Congratulations again! Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months!

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6 years ago

I know it's only been an hour, but I need to update...
I'm sitting here at my desk balling my eyes out and I have no idea why!!! I'm starving and I just had breakfast. Like, I need to go hunt down some food or eat my lunch at 10am. And has my office always smelled like this??

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6 years ago

@beautiful : somewhere I read that the antioxidants are wonderful for your body and the fruit itself helps thicken the uterus. It could be hot wash though... either way I hope it helps.

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6 years ago

@MePlus1 HAHA! sorry but the "has my office always smelled like that" had me spit my water out!!! when do you plan on testing again? since your 9dpo today maybe wait till Friday 11dpo?

@Vettechgirl11 I will try anything at this point!!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - Hahaha I know it's crazy how symptoms just hit me hard today! Waiting till 11dpo makes sense, but since I'm a POAS addict I need to be realistic. ;) LOL I think the longest I can wait between tests at this point is a day, so I will try to wait till tomorrow morning. (Although, I get better results with my evening urine.) My DS's BFP was on 10dpo, so worth a try. Especially since I thought I saw something on this morning's test. I will def keep my digi for later though.

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6 years ago

@Melplus 1 too funny!!


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6 years ago

@purplesummer1205 - LOL I want to so bad! My hubby got mad at me last night cause I spent $40 on hpt's on the way home from work yesterday! Hahaha So I think this is all I'm getting for this time, so I need to use a little restraint. Which for me is 2 a day! ;)

Also, I just fell asleep. At work. On my desk.... I thought I blinked, but there's drool on my keyboard, so I'm pretty sure it was longer than a blink.

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6 years ago

Only 2dpo and so far, I just have minor aches and pains in the lower abdomen, been a bit gassy and a bit bloated since yesterday. After work I had the runs; sorry tmi. Not sure if it was my lunch or the craving of pretzel sticks and eaten a bunch before days end. Breasts aren't really that sore or noticable and yesterday I thought I had a headache. Even my coworker today even noticed a little change in me saying I feel well rested and feel alive. Since lunch, the yawning has begun. I know it's too early to be symptom checking and if some of these are symptoms; they would just be my IBS acting out so not sure how this tww is going to go.

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6 years ago

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Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation

What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?




Pregnancy test statistics

Select your day past ovulation to see the statistics and to get an understanding of what result you can expect.

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