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June 2018 Babies

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TTC Group

719 Replies • 7 years ago



Pregnancy test calculator

Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.

111 - 120 of 719 Replies | Last Page

@Purplesummer1205. If we kept the ovulation set, would it still produce a cover line or no? I am sort of new at this site but still trying to navigate through it all. I see AFM a lot and I don't know what that stands for .

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7 years ago

Good morning ladies;
DH and I are coming up on our five year anniversary of TTC. We've had one MC a few years ago, and since I am almost 40 we've been seriously considering giving up. Due to a history of blood clots caused by birth control I can't take any sort of hormone and my 42-year-old husband doesn't do "command performances" very well anymore so to get timing right we've actually been using the 'ol turkey baster.

However, this month it looks like the stars aligned. All of the indicators like CM, cervix, ovulation test's and BBT agreed on my ovulation date and DH managed to produce 4 samples in three days. Now I am 8 DPO and have about 20 symptoms including nausea so extreme I actually stayed in bed this morning. I have two more days until I'm going to test, and I'm praying that I don't actually have the flu.

We would have a June 4 due date, I don't know about having a Gemini ( my mom is one, they're crazy! )… But at this point a babies a baby.

7 years ago

@eskimozie. I really hope this is your month. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get your BFP. Let us know how you make out in the next couple days.

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7 years ago

@dragonfly23 and Purplesummer1205- I have not set ovulation on here yet. It is showing me a coverline but it's not in the same place as the coverline on FF and because of where CTP is putting the coverline it says I haven't ovulated. Or at least that it can't confirm it based off temps.

7 years ago

@Prayingfor1. I had that with this cycle. So, I am not even sure if I even ovulated or not.

Is there other tracking apps I can try besides FF as I can't seem to log in to it even though I made a profile.

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7 years ago

Hello Ladies!!!
I have a question for you all in the dreaded TWW ugh! lol My last cycle day started aug 26,2017 i Normally have a 28-30 day cycle but the longest was 33 days. I took +OPK on Sept 10 which would of been CD 16 my question is when should I test..!!??

7 years ago

@dragonfly23 I use an app called mydaysX and its pretty spot on for when Im going to start but my cycle isnt always the same my cycle can be 28-33 days long

7 years ago

@trying4baby#1. Oh thank you. I use WomenLog to track my cycles. I am normally a 28 day, but when I had my daughter it has been 26-28 days and when I add all the days to get my average, it is 26 days so it makes it hard to track ovulation but I do temp. How many dpo's are you?

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7 years ago

@dragonfly23 well, I got my +OPK on Sept 10 and I took another on the day after sept 11 and it was neg so im thinking im 8 DPO.

7 years ago

Tryingafterloss: I'm now full blown bleeding :( I wasn't suppose to start my period for 6 days! I don't know what to do. This is so heart breaking. No cramping just dark red blood. Maybe breakthrough bleeding? I don't know

Dragonfly23: I wasn't very far along.

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7 years ago

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Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation

What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?




Pregnancy test statistics

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