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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

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Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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Just lurking. In tww

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Gvmdl: damn :( sorry Hun.

Go August!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Got the sudden urge to POAS. I know I should wait since I'm about 10dpo. This TWW is a bummer!!!!

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

First month TTC, and 8DPO here with no symptoms yet. Good luck to everyone!

10 years ago

SMC, hope this cycle will be it for you!

William2008, welcome. So very sorry for your losses. I too have suffered several m/c in the past 10 months. Been ttc for over 3 years now. It is heart breakng and so scary to think it "may happen" again. At this point my RE has not even hinted at bed rest, so I think you should be okay there! Usually with CP and early m/c it is chromosonal abnormality and not anything we did. FX and sending baby dust your way.

tgpreg, you WILL have an August baby! Baby dust!

Lacey, thank you dear! I am hoping I will get a 9 month break! :) Praying for big numbers for you... I mean HUGE! And that your allergies get over themselves... I mean you have a sweet baby in there, nothing for them to be mad about! :)

1st, Congrats that is so wonderful! H&H 9 months!

Genie, thank you! I am nervous... I start the injectable fertility (Follistem) Wednesday and God willing I trigger next Saturday! Eeek! Praying you get your BFP or your testing soon and your DHs test come back good.

Alyssa, welcome and best of luck to you. I don't chart, but I do use OPKs and have been pregnant 3 times recently and all 3 I used OPKs. Temping is hard for me because of sleep patterns etc. Good luck and baby dust.

Acrichton, FX and Baby Dust!

AFM, trying to get my head in the right place.. I am FREAKING out over the shots, but will do what I have to do for us to be able to hold our sweet angel. I am just a chicken sh*t when it comes to needles. As much of a pin cushion as I have been over the past 3 years, you would think I would be use to it by now... NOPE! Haha! I am a big baby! Anyways, I am sending loads and loads of baby dust to you all. Lets make 8/2014 the beginning of a baby boom! :)

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10 years ago

Good luck everyone!!!!!

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10 years ago

Hello all. I am new to the group so I'll share a little background. I'm 28 DH is 39. We have been TTC for 3 mos with a male fertility issue. We thought we had it this month but the witch showed up 3 days late. We will be seeing a new urologist this month and we are both taking Fertilaid. We are trying for our first together. I have one angel baby who was lost in August 2010. I look forward to supporting each other and wishing for our August babies.

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10 years ago

I'm brand new to this site. Me and hubby are both 30 married for just over a year. Hubby had been on testosterone and was diagnosed with azoospermia back in September. He started clomid and 6 weeks later, his next test showed he now has a sperm count on the lower end of normal :) this was our first month trying with this knowledge. However, he is all messed up from coming off the testosterone and going on the clomid that we were only able to bd successfully on cd 10. Luckily, I think I ovulated on cd 12 this month. AF is due on Friday. I had a very convincing pink evap on a frer yesterday and I'm going a bit crazy. Waiting for Friday to test again.

Nice to meet you all!

10 years ago

Hi ladies!
CD 3 today. AF is lighter, i will have spotting tomorrow and then ot is time to get back on the horse.
Ha....I want a summer baby more than anything, and August would be perfect! My birthday is late August and DH follows shortly after.

I have never felt so.....EAGER and determined to make it happen before.

It might have to do with DH. He is a bit stubborn when it comes to change, and has been hesitant about the thought of a baby.
I suppose it's a selfish thing. We both know he would be a great father, it has just taken him some time to come to terms with it.

But after he showed a serious amount of empathy and sadness when AF showed up three days ago, I think he gets it now.

We are finally settled into our new home with extra rooms!
I can't wait to plan a nursery.
I hope we are blessed this cycle and I finally see those two pink lines


10 years ago looks like last month's move (and all the accompanying stress) really did a number on my cycle. I usually O on day 13 and then have a 14 day LP. Last month, we moved near the middle of my LP and I only ended up having an 11 day LP. Now, I've been waiting and waiting...and waiting to O again. I'm on CD17 and was beginning to wonder if I would O this month. Today, I finally got a blazing + opk. Phew! DH and I last night and plan to again tonight and tomorrow. Hope we can catch the egg this time.

I hope everyone else is doing well and much to all.

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10 years ago

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