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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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391 - 400 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

@neomasie. Maybe the hard spot in your belly is the baby as I get that too from time to time. Do you know what you are having or where your placenta is?

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6 years ago

Dragonfly! Beautiful belly!!

6 years ago

@calvingirl. Thank you!

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 I don't know what I'm having yet (still on the fence about finding out gender) and I have had us' already but I didn't ask where my placenta is but from the looks it's at the back, where it should be. Towards the end of the night It occurred to me the sensation could be bc of dehydration. I hadn't drank a lot of water during the day. Once I chugged a bit, it seemed to dissipate. But I'll bring it up at my next appt next week.

You look great, by the way!!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hey ladies, I’m 13DPO had a extremely faint like 11dpo and a not so faint one this morning so heading to my doctor to get blood done. Looking forward to joining you all on your journey here, this will be my first !! Congratulations to you all on you BFP

6 years ago

Mrsjr96, congratulations and welcome! Your 1st is always so exciting and new. I remember i was almost obsessive with tracking and living in the moment. This is my 2nd and i am just as excited but so much more chill. I was thinking this earlier. I miss the excitement and awe. I forget i am pregnant a lot even! I am thrilled you get to start your journey as a mother! Best feeling ever.

Just started the 2nd trimester today! 14wks. My belly is really starting to show and i may have felt her squirm yesterday. May be in my head. Lol

6 years ago • Post starter

@kelliria thank you so much! It is so exciting but I’m finding it hard to not be scared of all the things that can go wrong. I know that I should be so excited and I am but I’m so scared of being over the moon and losing this baby. I don’t know how to deal with it all just yet. Hopefully once the doctors confirms and I see my numbers doubling maybe the excitement will over take the fears!

6 years ago

Wooohooo!!! Officially in my 2nd trimester! I’m so happy to have made it this far!! Getting extra excited now for bubs arrival! My MS is gone now so trying to be extra careful what I eat as my appetite is back as well!!

6 years ago

Congratulations mrsjr96 on your bfp :) it's normal to feel paranoid and worried about everything, i did in all my 3 pregnancies right up to the 12 week scan, now I'm starting to worry about the anomaly scan I have 3 weeks on Friday, the worry never stops.
Congratulations Kelliria and tryingafteraloss and getting to the second trimester I felt like it was such a milestone :) you must be feeling really pleased.
I have felt terrible all weekend I'm not sure of I have a dreadful cold or hayfever, but I'm so bunged up and snotty, struggling to sleep as I can't breathe well lying down, so it's rubbish xxx

6 years ago

Hi, I'm cautiously joining you. Got a squinter last Tuesday and it's been getting darker, today's dpo16-17.
We've been trying for our first for over 2,5 years, and so far I've had two losses (a blighted ovum w/ d&c @8+ weeks 3/17 and an early mc @5+ weeks 1/18), so I'm kinda paranoid with this one. Really hoping this one will develop into a healthy baby that sticks around. Third time's the charm I haven't had any symptoms so far, but since yesterday boobs are feeling a tiny bit fuller and I have a mildly "funny feeling" in the stomach area. Didn't really have any symptoms in the previous pgs either.

6 years ago

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