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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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721 - 730 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Dragonfly23 I'm not really jelous, my baby isn't ready yet hehe few more weeks and then I'll start being very very ready for him/her to come. Im not actually sure im in anyway mentally prepared for a baby yet My friend had her little girl yesterday tea time :) baby Bella.
Oh you have such a nice neat bump too. Not long at all now, and if i were you id go for the scrape (im assuming thats what we call a sweep here) im going to get one as soon as they'll do one, as they only get bigger the longer they're in. And yes sex is safe right up until your waters break and also recommended to help things along.
Sorry to here about you ladies with the diabetes I don't have any experience of this but usually i don't think they'll let you go past your due date, as the babies can be bigger. Hope you don't need the insulin xxx

5 years ago

@Lakarmw. Yes sorry, a sweep; close enough . Hubby didn't think it was a good idea if it brigs on labour. Congrats on your friend's baby girl. Good to know about the sex thing as my hubby doesn't want to go inside but hey. So pretty much the cervix is closed even when the mucous plug is coming/is out. I agree, I'm ready for him to come but not yet as I want to enjoy the remaining time with just feeling all the little kicks, pokes and hiccups. How far along are you?

Question for all you ladies. It seems like I'd be the only one due soon. How many weeks are you now?

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5 years ago

I am most certain,y jealous of you @Dragonfly23 I'll be delivering at 38 weeks, the latest so I can't wait to be where you are right now! Has it hit you yet, that any day now he'll be here!?

I did a 4D scan a few days and it was magical. I didn't think I could be any more in love with this little person

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Lil 10/28/17 User image

5 years ago

Coming up on 27 wks, so got a whiles to go, even with induction at 39 wks. I believe Dragonfly will be the first one to pop. Lakarmw is probably next I think.

5 years ago

Hi ladies! Things have been hectic. Haven't wrote much lately. Calvingirl, sorry about thr diabetes. It is common in older women. I am borderline. Passed the 3 hr but was so sick. I was close to failing. I have been watchibg carbs and sugars since.
Lakarmw, you're almost there! Since you are delivering at 38wks, what is your due date?
Neomasie, you're getting close too! Love your 4d. Those cheeks!
I will be 30 wks sunday. Due dec 9th. Slowly but surely getting there. I don't remember if you all renember me cutting my finger a few wks ago but it got really infected and i had to get antibiotics. Well, the antibiotics gave me my 1st yeast infection. Now i am on a cream for that. Ugh.
I also got all mine and dds winter stuff out, put away summer stuff and got babys stuff together in one spot today. Ruthies new bed came today but i have to set it up. What do you all think?

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5 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@Kelliria. I think it's cute. I'm sure Ruthie will like it. I remember you cut your finger and it's too bad it got infected. Yeast infections aren't fun and very annoying. I've had one so far and it sucked. You are getting close too. I'd hate to be the first to pop but so far it seems I'm the closest lol.

@neomasie. She is absolutely adorable. I agree, love those cheeks, so puffy. Your time will come by fast, trust me and you will hold her soon. Wish I had a little more time but I think I am ready to hold him now as it is getting uncomfortable. I'm getting a bit anxious as I'm cramping now slightly and I'm thinking, is it time.

Can't wait to see everyones pictures when the time comes. Hope everyone has an easy delivery with no complications.

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5 years ago • Edited

@kelliria I'm sorry about the infections. Ugh talk about kicking you when you're down. I hope you start to catch a break and get some relief soon! You've been working really hard lately.

@dragonfly23 thank you! And you're right, time will whiz by and it'll be d day soon. I also can't wait to see everyone's birth announcements. We've all come such a long way ladies! It's starting to get so exciting and real!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

5 years ago

@Dragonfly23 I will be 33 weeks on Tuesday so just over 7 weeks to go for me, or 4-9 weeks depending on how keen our little one is ???? I have no induction early or anything scheduled, as i am non complicated and midwife lead....unless something changes in the next few weeks it will just be when baby decides he or she is ready.....what kind of births does everyone plan? I am having a water birth if possible, just gas and air again

@Kelliria Ruthies bed is lovely, my daughter had similar She loves it.

@Neomasie gorgeous pics. I havent seen my baby now since my 20week anomaly scan...seems so long ago...your very lucky xxx

5 years ago • Edited

@Lakarmw. I'm just having a natural birth with epidural. Providing things go well as I too don't have a induction plan as I'm low risk. Unless he decided to come late.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies just checking in on everyone.

Dragonfly- How are you? Any news yet??

5 years ago

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