Community post
Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Espence Thank you so much! You have such an amazing heart seriously.
Kelliria thank you very much! and thank you for having this wonderful post! It's very comforting to know I can come here and get good conversation and support from you wonderful ladies. And so far no we haven't shared it with anyone yet. We have been too nervous because of the loss we had in July and 2 more years before that...I dont have the best track record lol.
5 years ago
At the dr now for stress test. 2xs a week from here on out. They want to induce at 39 wks. 3 days after moms bday. Cant on the bday cause its 3 days early. She did say she will sweep my membranes on the 27th and hopefully it will keep her from inducing and maybe get here on the 29th. I am having contractions as of now and they are showing up on the test. She said 90% she will be here sooner than later.
5 years ago • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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