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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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711 - 720 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

@Beautiful38 - I saw your scan went great! Congrats! My bloating early on went right into baby bump, so I looked 3 months pregnant from the start lol.

AFM - Just did the 3hr glucose test yesterday and did NOT react well to it. 10 minutes into the test, I'm sitting in the lobby and all the sugar must've hit my body at once because I started to faint. Tried to flag down a nurse, but that didn't work so I laid down on the floor as quickly as I could so I wouldn't hurt the baby with a fall. Woke up with my head in the lap of some strange lady (not an employee - a patient) who had gotten to me first. Embarrassing and scary and the nurses acted like I should have warned them earlier - like I knew I was going to faint. It's not my fault they put me in the lobby and then all disappeared. I get maybe 5-10 seconds of warning when I'm gonna faint (I'm a fainter - low bp) so if they weren't around, tough luck. They wheelchaired me to a room and had me lay down for the rest of the 3 hrs. Which was good - I felt like crap. I'll probably fail it.

5 years ago

Aww calvingirl that sounds so traumatic so sorry to hear that happened to you.....fjbhers crossed for your results though.

Dragonfly23 any signs of your baby boy yet? I keep checking for updates on here

Ive had a uti all week again I'm really getting sick of those now. And spent all night last night awake with acid reflux too. I knew the pregnancy symptoms would het me eventually, and I've had it too easy so far. 32+1 And really starting to count down xxx

5 years ago

Yes my scan went great saw and heard the heartbeat at 114bpm baby is measuring 6weeks and 2days. She said everything is good. Saw that heartbeat right away!! To
Cute! I go back at a little over 10weeks for another scan!

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5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. So glad that the scan went well. Hope things keep progressing.

@Lakarmw. No signs yet. Finally got to rearrange my room to accommodate the crib so the nesting process has started. Just going to take it easy for the remaining two weeks that I have left; unless he comes early.

@calvingirl. That's horrible that it happened to you. Thank goodness someone was there to look after you and shame on the nurses for making it seem like its your fault.

Will keep everyone update as the days progress.

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5 years ago

Congratulations on your scan beaut1ful38 must seem more real now.
Aww your so close Dragonfly23 my friend who is due October 6th has just had a 'show' this morning so she may have her baby here really soon. I'm starting to get very jelous lol, but it's too early to start hoping they come yet. Glad yuu got your room sorted, my husband keeps on at me to get our crib up in our room, and I keep saying noway it's far too soon good luck over the coming days, hope he arrives soon

5 years ago

@Lakarmw. Thank you. I've been waiting for the "show" for the past little while when I use the bathroom. I have started to notice more cm today but my bowels hasn't changed. I wouldn't be jelous of your friend as soon you will be holding your baby. The time will go by quickly. I remember I had the "show" in the morning and went in at midnight. Hope she has an easy delivery with no complications.

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5 years ago

@dragonfly23 - so excited for you! Only two more weeks, maybe less. We all can't wait to see a picture of your little boy in your arms. Do you have a name yet (if you want to share)? I feel like it was only yesterday that you had your first anatomy scan and got the "Boy" result and didn't believe it. It took you weeks to believe it! lol. I'm very happy for you so near to the end. I'm sure everything will go well.

AFM - Yep, failed the test. I am diabetic now apparently. Anyone else have this? I'm not worried about a big baby - mine is actually too small so far, but the pre-term labor risk kinda sucks. I've looked at some sample plans and WOWZA that's actually a lot of food to eat. I'm never hungry and now I have to eat 6 times a day?? It's gonna be a challenge.

5 years ago

@CalvinGirl. Yes, I remember that as I was shocked to find out it was a boy and took a long time to believe it. We have the name picked out but decided to not share. Plus we are still in the process of agreeing on the spelling. We keep it unique then won't be able to find anything with his name on it or go with the standard spelling. I'm sorry you failed the glucose test but I don't know too much about diabeties. Hope that doesn't play havoc on the little one.

Well ladies, I'm sitting at my doctors appointment for a checkup and this morning, I had jelly like cm. Could that be the start of my mucous plug coming out? Also, I'm embarrassed to ask this but if the plug totally falls out, can you still have sex and could hubby ejaculate inside? Also, could the semen harm the baby?

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5 years ago

Here is my 38 week belly picture. Next week I may be having a scraping done to see how close I am to delivery. Also heard that could bring on labour in a couple days. Should I opt to decline and see how it goes or bite the bullet? As hard as it is, I am a bit anxious as the anticipation on when it comes time to delivery.

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5 years ago

@Calvingirl. I was diagnosed last Thursday with gestational diabetes I’ve been eating healthy and following the guidelines but my levels are still borderline so I’m worried about being put on insulin. Baby girl is measuring right on track. Here’s hoping we both can be diet controlled.

5 years ago

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