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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Dragonfly, my bday is the 9th. Maybe we'll be birthday twins. Lol. Yea, at my 27wk appt her head was down. I can tell cause my bump looks smaller. I remember when my dd flipped cause the same thing happened. Had a u/s, butt down, a week later my bump got noticeably smaller so i went back and they did another u/s, head down. The last few wks i kept saying i dont look as big and when she told me Reese was head down now i kinda figured that was the time frame. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!
Calvingirl, by the way, love your bump. You look like you carry well. Even when i was a size 0 my arms were always chunky. (All thanks to the maternal side of family lol) Now, mine are huge. My one self conscious.
Beaut1ful, i miss the excitement of the 1st trimester. I love everything about pregnancy. I dont want anymore kids cause my age, but would love to be pregnant all the time. Everyone thinks I'm weird.
Ok, so dont know if i mentioned a week ago i cut my finger at work and had to get 4 stitches. Yesterday it got sore, swelled, and red. Went to dr and it is infected. Can't win for losing.

6 years ago • Post starter

I hate adding emojis. I cant get back to where i was on writing and it's either lose the whole thing or post and write again. Sorry ladies.
Antibiotics it is. Hopefully that will take care of it.

6 years ago • Post starter

Just thought i would share my 3rd trimester, 28wk pic.

user submitted image

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. Looking good.

Well, I had my first bout of diarrhea and they say it can happen before labour or up to two weeks before you give birth. Need to get my bags packed for that just in case. I'm ready for him to come anytime; except my house isn't ready yet. Still need to rearrange my room to fit the crib. I hope after delivery my ears will go back to normal. Will keep everyone posted.

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6 years ago

Ah Dragonfly23 you're so close now :) so glad your scan went so well, truly amazing news!
I do hope your wrong about diarrhoea though as I've had it every morning for the last 4 days, but I do have my second uti, so maybe to do with the infection. Back on antibiotics again for 7 days. I am now 31 weeks and 3 days yikes!!
Bumps are looking good Kelliria and Calvingirl

Here's mine from Sunday feel heavy now and uncomfortable. Still no clues as to if it's a boy or girl lol. The utis make me think boy as I also got them a lot with my son xx

user submitted image

6 years ago

Lakarmw and Kelliria - great bumps! You both look so pretty pregnant. I envy your skinny toned arms. I'm just getting fatter at this point.
@dragonfly - How exciting to be so close! If I make it to 37 weeks without packing my bag, I'll be shocked. I'm so excited for this to be over, I'm forcing myself to hold off certain tasks till after 30 weeks just on principle.

6 years ago

Lakarmw, love the bump! You look like my friend who carried a boy. Her bump was high like that. It is really exciting you decided to keep gender unknown. You are pretty close yourself!
Calvingirl, i did the same with my dd. My bag was packed at 32 wks. Lol.I was so ready for her. Totally the opposite with this one. Only thing i really need is to put the baby bed from toddler to crib and get Ruthie a new bed. A few burp cloths and a pump and a couple receiving blankets is all i need. You cant help but get over-joyous at this time in pregnancy!
Dragonfly, you are almost there! I can't wait to see pics of your baby boy!

6 years ago • Post starter

Thank you :)
Sound alike everyone is getting very organised now, I have everything I need I think for baby too, just got to get everything set up closer to the time. It is getting close yet 8.5 weeks is still a long time. ???? my bag has been packed since week 30.
And i cant wait to see pics wither Dragonfly23 xxx

6 years ago

Hey ladies all these baby bump pictures !! Beautiful ladies!
Still felling pregnant and almost time for my 1st US Wednesday. Can’t wait to see baby. DH is starting to get morning sickness is that wierd??? I get mine about afternoon/ night instead of morning and it’s getting hard for me to eat. I can only eat very light these days. The bloating ugh! Dresses or stretchy pants are my fav outfits right now to.
Can’t wait to see pictures of new babies!

6 years ago • Edited

Good luck with your scan beaut1ful38. And yes the bloating, I had that really bad too xxx

6 years ago

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