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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Aww Calvingirl so glad you got the GD under control with the new must feel so much happier now. You seem happier in your writing. Hehe and glad your bumps returned. Amazing look fab! Glad all is going well.
I Have my 36.3 week midwife appointment Friday so looking forward to that, hoping baby may have engaged by then, but I'm pretty sure baby hasn't getting so close now.. I'm going to ask for a sweep at my 38.3 week appointment to try to avoid gong over my due date...sometimes they say yea, sometimes they don't so fingers crossed they'll do one for me ????neveer had one before other than in labour so not too sure what to expect xxx

5 years ago

Calvingirl, you sound way happier! When I did my 3hr test, I took my monitor and right after bloodwork I did my test. My numbers on my test were totally different. Like 30 points, some up, some down. I quit testing at home after that. Your outfit is great! I love it!
Lakarmw, you are getting close. I am going to ask for a sweep as well. I had one with dd and it hurt and it didn't work. Still went 42 wks. I am just getting done. Lol. Everytime I go to the grocery store or anywhere I have to walk far and don't wear my band I get Braxton Hicks very bad. Sleeping is difficult and I have to walk up stairs to go to the bathroom. My room is in the basement.
I went to dr yesterday and measuring perfect. Still at 151 on weight but I'm ok with that. 4 lb gain so far. Dd has been peeing in the potty and actually pooped in it last night. Big break through.

5 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Had my DR appt today. Baby is measuring right on track. Baby heartbeat is 183bpm!!! We saw baby move around a lot. We did the bloodwork to find out gender and the DNA testing for Down syndrome. The only thing that scares me she said my placenta is low to cervix and thin??? So no sex for awhile .what does this mean?? Was about to research ...

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5 years ago • Edited

@Beaut1ful38 - You're baby is beautiful and I'm so happy to hear everything is right on track! How soon will you get the results back on the gender? I'm not sure what they mean by thin placenta. Did they seem worried about it? If they didn't seem worried about it, then you shouldn't be either. As long as your placenta doesn't cover the cervix then I think you are ok, but I'm not an expert. You'll also have another US to check on everything again too so that's good!

5 years ago • Edited

Beaut1ful38, I have placenta previa or low lying placenta. Sometimes they may have to do the stitch to help keep the baby up there if it is thin but no worry on the low part until birth. If it is too low or covering the uterus, a C-section is preformed. I am 33 wks and they give me extra u/s every 3 wks to monitor it. It is common to be low and most of the time it will correct itself by birth. Great scan, btw!!

5 years ago • Post starter

Flamingogirl- she wasn’t to concerned at this moment. She said will check again on next visit nov 19th. Just no lifting or sex just take it easy.

Kelliria/ Thank you made me feel so much better. I was doing research (more like stress and worrying). We will just wait and see.

On another note: with heartbeat at 183...maybe it’s a girl??? We will find out in a week or so! And I haven’t gained any weight yet which is great but probably will hit me fast lol

5 years ago • Edited

Great scan beaut1ful38! They do say higher heartbeats for girls and lower for maybe a girl but I think they do slow a little as they grow. At 10 weeks 5 days my babys heart rate was 165bpm but that's not very helpful since I don't know what we are having yet...seems to be around 140-145bpm now....Id not worry to much about the placenta just yet if the doctors aren't worried...just stick to their advice and take it easy :) Hehe good luck getting your results though, do you have a preference?xxx

5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Beautiful scan. I'm so happy for you. I think girl as the heartbeat is high. I hope things correct itself soon for you but I would refrain from sex or self-pleasuring till yoi are in the clear.

@FlamingoGirl13. I got home a couple days ago. Adjusting is pretty hard but I am sure things will get better.

As for me. Coping for the best part while hubby finishes off the back porch; which I hope it is soon. Little Isaiah is just too cute for words and I'm adjusting to having a boy. For some reason he loves sleeping on his side. I will try to post pictures on my "second pregnancy" once a month to see the change. As for my mental health and state of mind that I believe this is it for me. One of each is good enough. Things may change years down the road but will have to see as I will not be trying.

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5 years ago • Edited

Glad to hear everything is going well Dragonfly23 enjoy this special time. My husband just got out front porch finished this weekend hehe must be a type of man nesting.

I'm all ready done with people asking "any signs?" NO signs at all what so ever hahaha and I doubt there will be for a long-time

5 years ago

Thank you ladies!

Lakarmw-That is what my mother in law says maybe girl. I just feel that’s it’s a boy though. My DH thinks it’s a boy too. But if it’s a girl at least I have a lot of family that will give my handy me downs bc they all had girls. My brother says we need some boys back in the family. Lol

Dragonfly- Glad you home and adjusting to having a newborn baby aroumd. How is the breast feeding going?? When we did the US baby was asleep so she woke him or her up so maybe that’s why heartbeat was high?
We will find out in a week or so!!

5 years ago

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