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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
@tryingafterloss I would definitely not take antibiotics the whole pregnancy!! No way. My urine culture came back with some bacteria in it too. My midwife messaged me asking if I had any symptoms of a UTI as the numbers weren't high enough to treat if I wasn't having any symptoms. I don't think I have a UTI at all but just in case I started taking some D-Mannose, extra water, and making sure I fully empty my bladder each time. I sort of suspect I didn't clean well enough to do the test right and the sample got "contaminated." I have zero symptoms of a UTI and I've definitely had them before! I'd ask for a retest. (I probably will.)
@dragonfly23 Yay you heard the heartbeat!! I hope they give me the chance to hear it at my next appt. I'll be 13 weeks then. I want to be able to tell people after that appt but only if they can somehow confirm the pregnancy is still on track.
6 years ago
@SheRiskers. I hope you are able to hear it as it is such a relief. My one friend thinks it's a boy and my other friend says it's a girl. Here's hoping for a boy and my family will be complete. I am sure everything is right on track for you. When is your next appointment? My doctor also told me that I should be feeling tge kicks after 18 weeks so that's another thing to look forward to. UTI's aren't fun. I drink water all the time and limit sugar intake so I don't get one. They are so uncomfortable.
6 years ago
Midnightrose3 I hope your spotting stopped, it should be nothing to worry about, i had some a couple of weeks ago, and was diagnosed with a tiny hoematoma, but they said it shouldn't be anything to worry about and to expect a little more spotting or for it to dissolve on its own. Well yesterday (after we dtd, first time since last spotting) I once again had two tiny spots, which had me panicked, I remember they told me only to worry though if it gets heavy or I'm in pain, which I wasn't. I've checked baby on my doppler this morning and I found her/him easily, with a lovely strong heartbeat at 162, so that's very reassuring. Only 3 more sleeps until my 12 week ultrasound now, so I dont think I'll go back to the epu unless anything gets any worse and just hold out until Friday.
Tryingafteraloss I had loads of utis with my last pregnancy but was only ever out in antibiotics each time for a week or so. Perhaps you should question why so long... to see of there's a genuine reason or that they are just being cautious.
Dragonfly23 pleased to hear your appointment went well and your heard your little baby :) such a wonderful reassuring sound.
BB2018 good luck for Friday I'm sure you're counting down the days just like me xx
6 years ago
@calvingirl I am having the stitch put in on saturday. I will keep you posted! I'm relieved my insurance approved it since they typically dont approve this type of stitch unless you've had recurrent losses or failures with a TVC. Now I just have to get through the actual surgery. I just want my baby to be ok!
@dragonfly23 congrats on the healthy u/s! That little one has a mighty strong heartbeat
@midnightrose I hope the bleeding has stopped, but it definitely sounds normal. But I completely understand your concern.
6 years ago
@BB2018 for some reason, i only trust words like 'be calm and what will be will be' when said by someone who has experienced a loss. I think because it seems like its coming from a place of experience and not just a flippant response by someone who hasn't experienced loss. Contradictory, but hey, it makes sense in my head
6 years ago
BB2018 - totally understand. I've only had early MCs before 6wks (which I am today), but I had a full term stillborn, so I know we're never safe. I don't take anything for granted. I can't WAIT till my scan to make sure this little one has a HB, is on track and growing well - and even how many are in there. 8 more days...feels like forever! I'm going to be a basketcase beforehand, so I completely understand. You want to know, but you don't want to know if it's bad news. It's going to be fine -
6 years ago
I live in a different country so I realize practices and medical protocols are different, but can I ask how many ultrasounds do you get from your provider in a 'normal' pregnancy (not high risk)? Where I live every 4 weeks at your regular appointment you have the option of an u/s. Medical aid varies on coverage, of course, so you may pay oop for some.
6 years ago
Thank to all who replied about my spotting. Thank goodness I haven't had anymore since yesterday morning. My ultrasound is in the morning. Yay. Then dr appt in the afternoon. Really looking forward to it.
Trying to up my water as everyone mentioned helps with a uti. I don't know if I actually have it but will find out Tom.
Still unsure about telling my parents about this pregnancy. I get so nervous. Especially when we are all getting along well at the moment. Soon, I'll have to just suck it up and do it. Yuck. Lol
Have a good day all of you! :)
6 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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