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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hope4rainbowbaby - Congratulations! I'm so impressed with moms that have babies close together. You too, FLamingogirl. Phoebe is one month old now and I'm just coming out of the proverbial woods. Her pregnancy, birth and 1st month was so physically difficult, I can't imagine getting pregnant again anytime soon. The birth amnesia has yet to sink in :) But then again, I'm 43, so pretty sure this is my last one.
I'm sending good thoughts to both of you and envy your house full of babies. I love ours. If I was 10 yrs younger, I'd have a couple more myself.
Everyone - all the baby pictures are SOOO CUUTE!! I'm lactating just looking at them. Phoebe just turned 1 month yesterday and I took this cute photo of her.

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5 years ago

Hi Beaut1ful38! Thank you so much and I'm SO happy for you! You're waiting for your little one! And he's an active boy! That's a great sign. My boy was so active and he was born a healthy, joyful boy! I'm sure all the measurements and organs will be fine! I'll be praying for you!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

5 years ago

@hopeforrainbow huge congrats!!!! Thats so wonderful for you:) i hope its a little girl!!

@beautiful I'm so happy to hear all is going well for you and excited to see these ultrasound pictures!! I'm jealous that your SO got to feel baby move!!! Where I'm a bigger lady I can't feel her externally yet lol

@all these wonderful moms and their beautiful babies...thank you so much for posting pictures of your little angels. I get all emotional looking at them, they are all so breathtaking it gets me in the feels lol.

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5 years ago • Edited

@flamingo wow only 4 weeks!!! You must be super excited!!! I'm excited and its not even my kid lol.

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5 years ago

@Rooroo917 - I am super excited! We have a lot of organizing to do before then but we have the essentials ready and I tested out the baby's co-sleeper last night so if he/she arrives will be set for sleeping! Still need to figure out where to put the changing table and how to arrange clothes. DH's schedule changed so now he doesn't work weekends, so we have more time together to sort these things out!

5 years ago

@ calvingirl: THANK YOU so much! :) I know it's going to be a challenge to have 2 babies so close together, but it will also have some benefits. :) And they usually bond so nicely. Congratulations on your little Phoebe! I didn't think that I'd have the 2nd baby and I'm 42! LOL So "never say never" haha! Thank you for the good thoughts!

@ Rooroo917: Thank you so much ! I just have a feeling that it might be a girl, but it's 50/50! LOL I'll be happy if it's another boy, too. But I think it'd be nice to have a girl, too...

I should know not far from now cause I'll be doing genetic testing that can determine the gender. Although, in a way, it might be nice for it to be a surprise this time... What do you all think? The good thing is that we have most of the baby stuff now and I guess I could even use the baby clothes from my boy (at least in the beginning)... But maybe it would be neat to have a different experience of not knowing the gender and finding out at birth...?

@FlamingoGirl13: Oh WOW! 4 weeks left? That's SO exciting! I know it gets more exciting towards the end when the little one is getting ready to welcome the World. :) Please keep us posted! And you still have some time to get organized and some things can be rearranged and changed even after the baby is home. I just made sure to have my hospital bag ready and packed and my birth plan printed out (a few copies so I gave them to the doctor and nurses). And had all the essentials for the baby's arrival, of course. I'm so excited for you! It's so cool to see my friends here PREGNANT and awaiting their babies!

Short update about me: I got the official test result from my doctor's office today stating "POSITIVE". and a note from the doctor that said "Congrats". I am 9 weeks 4 days pregnant today. I feel nauseated at times which is completely different from my previous pregnancy. I get tired and sleepy (that was the same before). I have some wild dreams - some are like movies. Today it was a sci-fi movie dream haha But I had even more vivid dreams the first time and a few times I had a dream about being pregnant or about the gender (I saw a boy a few times which turned out to be true LOL). This time I didn't have anything like that as of now. I have another doctor's appointment with an ultrasound on February 14th (Valentine's Day LOL) and also genetic testing on January 28th with the detailed, dating ultrasound.

Again : to all expecting Mommas!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

5 years ago

We got to see our little boy today. He is growing right on schedule weighing 1lb 2oz at 22 weeks and 2days. He just didn’t want his picture taken today. Every time they try he turn his back to us and on this picture he is covering his face with his hand. ....No paparazzi please!! Maybe next ultrasound next month he will show us something.

Next month we see a cardiologist to check baby heart further. As of today everything looked great per doctor. Heart, kidney, bladder, spine, head ,ect. We will continue to pray. He is currently in the breech position. Which his head sometimes hurt against my rib!!

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5 years ago • Edited

Hello mummies and mummies to be! I hope everyone is well! Sorry it's been so long for an update. It's been hectic here with a new baby, and 2 other kids, plus my husband just had a knee operation too so needed help
Can you believe Nancy is now 2 months old. She is fabulous, weighing 12lb7oz, smiling loads and even giggled the other day! She loves attention and when we talk to her, and knows exactly how to get what she wants all ready lol.
Congratulations to all the new mama's to be! And I keep reading the updates from the pregnant so exciting! All the baby pictures are so beautiful xxx

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5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 Yipeeeee! How exciting! There's nothing better than seeing the little one! I'm SO happy that he's growing so well! And at times babies "hide" from the ultrasound.My boy (previous pregnancy) was also kicking the nurses whenever they were touching my belly haha!
But that's wonderful news that all the organs are developing well and are fine! Praying all continues to be FANTASTIC! It will be! I can see his face!! He'll probably "relocate" soon to the position with his head down. But I know it can be hurting your rib now! LOL I remember that I had difficulty breathing at times when my little boy was pressing on my lungs. But once he turned around (I definitely felt the process! LOL), the breathing got better, but the pressure on the pelvic area got worse haha! But I remember it all so fondly now. It's such a special time! Enjoy every second of it!:)

@Lakarmw: You sound BUSY! LOL I hope you're feeling better after the knee surgery. You have a precious little girl! Nancy is so cute! I have a 6 month old (in 2 days) little boy AND I'm 11 weeks pregnant (tomorrow)! LOL So I think I'll be joining the "busy mommies gang" haha!
Isn't it just amazing when they smile and especially when they start to giggle? It just makes my hubby and I so happy! It's the best! Little Nancy looks like such a joyful little girl! My little boy has his pediatrician appointment tomorrow and I'm SO curious to find out how much he weighs and how tall he is! He seems to be growing a lot and fast!

UPDATE from me: I'm having an ultrasound (very detailed one when they're gonna measure everything and check all the organs, too) and also genetic testing (due to my age) this Monday. This always makes me both nervous and excited. I already saw my baby on a small hand-held ultrasound device my OBGYN had at my recent appointment (never saw this gadget before but it was cool - it looked like an old style flip phone and it was showing an ultrasound when close to my belly!). So I could see that the heartbeat was fine and that the baby was there. :) But now, it's gonna be more detailed. Last time I was pregnant and did the genetic testing, they asked me if I wanted to know the gender because they can determine that via blood testing. I wanted to know then, but now, I'm sort of wondering if I should make it a surprise for my hubby and for myself, too and find out at the birth... What do you think?

Looking forward to follow the news from all mommies and mommies-to-be!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

5 years ago

#lakarmw oh little Nancy is getting even cuter if thats possible!! She has gotten so big:) I'm so happy she is doing well!

@hope make sure you post pics of your little one..if ya want to of course:) as for me I really wanted to be surprised at birth with the gender but my SO was dying to know so we found out. It takes a whole lot of self control to not know the gender....I'm not sure I could have done it anyways.

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5 years ago

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