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Over 40 ttc, I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one!

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I am 42, ttc and wondering if there are any other ladies out there wanting to share their journey. Doesn't -matter if it's your first or your 8th, would love to cycle with you! I am using opk, pre-seed, maca, and other vitamins. Have been told I have border line fsh and not much time! On cycle 2 ttc after a TR in March. Sent my bbt chart to Dr. and was told I was bd-ing too much! whoops! Will cut back this cycle. I am on cd2 and super excited for this round!

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397 Replies • 12 years ago



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I know i keep hearing that clock ticking away, dang thing, lol

Well today is 6dpo for me and a bit of a scare as my temp dipped just below my coverline, put in a question a couple think that it could be an implantation dip? I have really only been charting for about 3 mths now and even with my CP last mth I didn't even have a dip, so hoping my temp goes back up and this is a good thing.

Hope everyone is doing well, I'm down with a yucky cold, now and just naptime now that the baby is down for his and dinner in the crockpot.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Well looks like the showed today I got a positive opk on the 13th. So if it was correct my Lp was only 9 days!!!! It is usually 11. So boo to the progesterone cream Not gonna use that again. Over this past year with trying new supplements i think i have come to the conclusion that they dont work for me and i need to let my body do it's own thing and if it's meant to be it will be. I will take the coq10, wheatgrass and prenatal but that's it. I feel so defeated Wish i was ok if i never get pregnant again but i'm just not there yet. Cant give up just yet

ladies! And lots of

I cant wait for all of your

12 years ago

I only take my levotiroxina (i don't know how to write it in english sorry) and my folic acid, nothing more. I'm observe and study my crazy and messy organism.

12 years ago

i am 43 had tr 4 months ago doing preseed and sofe cup now i going to the dr see can he put me clomid i have not had eny luck with sofe cup and allso start taking geritol and allso opk i wont to start this week wen is the best time to do opk could u ladies help me

12 years ago

Clover Brook-I have been using Soy Isoflavones which is natural and helps with "O" don't know if you have tried this one yet. I use it CD 2-6 and start using OPK's about CD8 or 9 in case I "O" early, and also I have to test atleast twice a day or I will miss my surge. Also if you go on Clomid, wait atleast 3 days I believe it is before using and OPK because it will give you a false positive. I use preseed I really like it, and seems to help, but the soft cups, I tried but I can't ever seem to get them in right so I gave up on those, lol.

Good Luck

Mommy1990- so sorry to hear that, that wench AF really can be a pain in the behind. regards to the progesterone I dunno that's weird, i thought it was supposed to help make lp longer or at least help with implantation and maintain the right level of the hormone. Will have to see what happens here, on 6 dpo and AF due in 8 days. Kind of nervous about my temp drop this morning, but trying to relax and think good thoughts, and hope my temp goes back up in the morning. I think you are right though sometimes we just have to stop and trust our bodies to do what it's going to do, with out putting a bunch of stuff in our system, that's pretty much what my thoughts are after this cycle if it doesn't happen. Except to continue my prenatals and Omega 3's. Hang in there (((HUGS)))

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Angel- My last baby was born in jan. 2011 and my cycle started getting regular again in April 2011 and i thought for sure i would be pregnant by june/july so when that didnt happen i started the whole net search circus. I discovered that my lp was on the short side so i thought i would try b-6....first bomb. It only lengthened my lp by 1 day and made my 33 day cycle 38! Then i reading about why it might take me longer...old eggs yada yada and how soy iso's could help produce a big fat egg etc. so YES i took that too(bang my head on wall)First month i took it i didnt feel any different so the second month i upped the dose, so dec-feb no af or bfp! Read about vitex so i thought what the hell cant get any worse than not having af. Well 3 days after starting the vitex my period started! Yay for vitex So from feb.thru-early may i continued with the vitex as i was hoping to bring my cycle more in balance because i was o'ing on cd 26-28. Well this month at about cd 16 i panicked about maybe vitex delaying o so i stopped taking it and got a positive opk on cycle day 23 so good improvement from last month when 0 was on cd27!
Sorry ladies for the long story ugh this has been a hellva ttc journey for me and i'm glad i think i have finally figured out the right plan of action for me....lost 2 cycles trying to get here while trying soy but hey all is not lost and even though my lp was shorter this month my cycle length went from 39 days to my old 31 days before last baby. I think with time the lp will work out too Maybe it's the Zumba i started at the end of April that helped my cycle length. Wish i could bbt but i wear a cpap mask and dont think my temps would be accurate.
Night all

12 years ago

wow mommy1990 that really bites that all happened to you. I love Zumba, hubby got it for me on the wii. hang in there,and hope next cycle is better for you

AFM- well temp went back up this morning from yesterdays dip to 97.7 to 98.1, trying not to get my hopes up but hoping this turns out to be something good, but atleast it did go back up, yaaay.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Angel- I will be stalking this forum everyday anxiously awaiting those

12 years ago

Hey Ladies, so good to catch up and hear how everyone is doing...I caved early and started testing at 5dpo. I am 8dpo today. I had alot of O pain this cycle and that is the first time I have had that. I felt hopeful like maybe it meant more than one egg . I honestly don't have any symptoms other than a little gas, a little bloat, and a little tired. And really really thirsty. That seems weird. I also had a spike in temp from 98 to 99 this morning? I am usually around 97.8 and then go up to 98.3 or so after ovulation. Not sure what the 99 is about. I will test again in the morning and everyday until i get my bfp I really do feel "in" this cycle even though my birthday on the 17th brings me to 43. I've got to have a few good eggs in there I just know I do!
I am too uncoordinated for Zumba, but I have been using the eliptical and treadmill at the gym and also lifting weights. I stopped about 3 days after O so that i wouldn't upset the implantation process. I have nothing to base that information on, it's just something I thought i should do........I am feeling alot more crazy this cycle and I think DH will be glad when I am finally pg and i settle down....
praying for all of you and can't wait to see bfp's and due dates! I love that my due date for this cycle is my 15 yr. old ds b-day. That sounds great to me.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Swimmom you are not alone I am 9dpo and I cracked, I think I scared poor hubby so he gave me a cheapy test, I swear I see something really faint, but it seems in the pic others aren't seeing it, but hubby and my son see it, ugghhh *bangs head on wall*

what do y'all think? I knew I shouldn't of but my chart is looking so good, and I am on cd 19 of a 24-25 day cycle. lp usually bout 13 days. Am I going crazy????? especially on the invert you can see just a bit of something starting.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

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