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Over 40 ttc, I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one!

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I am 42, ttc and wondering if there are any other ladies out there wanting to share their journey. Doesn't -matter if it's your first or your 8th, would love to cycle with you! I am using opk, pre-seed, maca, and other vitamins. Have been told I have border line fsh and not much time! On cycle 2 ttc after a TR in March. Sent my bbt chart to Dr. and was told I was bd-ing too much! whoops! Will cut back this cycle. I am on cd2 and super excited for this round!

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397 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thank you so much ladies, believe me I am just about to burst at the seams, i'm so excited but yet reserved like I said because I am nervous of another CP or miscarriage. I really want to tell hubby, but i don't want him to give up or hurt, so figure I will wait until AF is hopefully late and stays FAR FAR FAR AWAY. Also our sons bday is the 30th so we are celebrating his time and our other son graduates this week. So I don't want to take away from what is their time either. So If I can manage to maintain my composure, our anniversary is June 10 so this is perfect timing to give him his anniversary gift :) I can't even let the poor guy know when I am in my fertile time, because he puts so much pressure on himself. so I will just express my excitement here for the time being.

Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers that you get your BFP's as well. Hang in there ladies it can happen and there is hope :)

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

I understand.
You have a secret

12 years ago

Finally af is over. Now the waiting to O begins Wish i O'd like cd 17 like back in the day. Now it seems to be anywhere from cd21- cd27 Thinking about learning how to do fertility massage. Any of you ladies tried that? Did it help?

12 years ago

I tested today....nothing.
Fertility massage?

12 years ago

Sorry Vivy about your It's still early! Yes fertility massage. I dont know much about it either but i hear it helps the blood flow to the ovaries.

12 years ago

i never hear about it. if no hurt...

12 years ago

If it hurts then your not doing it right.

12 years ago

Hey Ladies, sorry i have been MIA! Went out of town and left my laptop!!!!!
I am so excited to hear the news angel!!!! There is no way I could keep it from DH....would be so hard!

I tested 10 dpo and got a super faint, pink, positive and got really really excited!!!! I didn't have any more tests so I got some more at walgreens last night around 2 am when we got back in town! Test today was neg. It really threw me off. is due Friday, so I am holding out hope till then. I took 3 FRER today and all came up negative. I am not going to test again until is late! I honestly don't want to let my age get to me, but I have to admit today I felt really old...I know women over 45 who have gotten pg, but I was just really down today...

Praying for a miracle for us all!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Swimmom- ing for your

Well cd9 for me tomorrow....time to bust out the monitor. Here we try again! I that i O on the earlier side this month but from the past months anything is possible. Would be nice to keep this 32 day cycle. 38 day cycle just takes forever if we are not successful. Curious to see what my body does this month

12 years ago

Hello future mommies, i am new to the blogging site and am totally unfamiliar to the abbreviations. Lets see im 39 and 2 half years ago met the man of my dreams after being in abusive marriage and single for 7 yrs. i Really want to have a baby with someone who loves me this time. we are praying for baby # 9. When we me he had 5 and i had 2...after we started trying unsuccessfully he got a call that he has a 3yr old daughter! She apparently had several partners and he was the unluckly one. Needless to say i was
Devastated because i couldnt get pregnant and here is an addition!!!!!

After changing docs i found out i have a huge fibroid that was removed march 1, 2012. Now we canstart again. Im on 2ndclomid and just stopped and purchased evening primrose and pregnancy prep. I am also going to to the robitussin this cycle because clomid thickens your cervical mucus.

Just wanting to intriduce myself and get some advice for women in the same boat as myself my fiance doesnt understand how frustrating it feels not have such a hard time conceiving..

Tons of prayers and baby dust to all!,

Tons of prayers and baby

12 years ago

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