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Anyone 38 and higher trying to conceive again? :)

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Looking to see if there are any ladies out there trying to conceive in the "older" (I can't believe I said that) years.... :) Any luck? Any challenges? Baby dust to all of you!!!

327 Replies • 12 years ago



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321 - 327 of 327 Replies

Hi ladies!

The Hubbs and I are ttc -- and we're a bit older too. I'm 38. He's 42. We went of BC in October (with the advice from my MD to not try for 3 months to let my uterus adjust to no BC), so it's only been about 3 months of ttc... nothing yet, but we're hopeful.

Being new to boards, I have no idea what some of the acronyms mean... what is CD?

11 years ago

I just found this post. Did any of you end up pregnant? I'm 40 ttc4th too

9 years ago

Hey there...

This is a very old thread. But actually, a lot of us got pregnant and had babies. At 40 it can be a challenge getting pregnant, but it's still quite possible. Time is of essence though and that's why it's often useful to get your hormone levels checked and hubby should possibly get his swimmers checked...

All the best! FX

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

9 years ago

Hello ladies, i am.happy to announce i got pregnant at 43 and i have a 3 month old baby boy!
Dont ever give up! It will happen when you least expected.
I had already given up, and started to drink green juices morning and night and took soy Isoflavones 80mg once a day and within 2 months i got prego!
Baby dust to all!

8 years ago

Yes, I am in the "mature category". Still hoping it will work out at some point :)

8 years ago

I am 38 TTC for 6 months after DH vasectomy reversal. Need others to chat with pleaseeee.

Sabrina 39, DD 21 with grandson 7 months, DS 3 months DH 31 DH vasectomy reversal March 2015 First IUI April 19, 2016...DS born January 5, 2017 (IUI done due to hostile CM) TTC #2 with new husband before I turn 40 in September!

8 years ago

Hey! Im 37 TTC #3. Just got married last month. DH has no kids of his own. It would be nice to have one last one. Weve only been TTC a short time. Just started Cycle #2 today.

I think Ive hit a bump in the road, however. Lastnight, while laying on the couch, I found a lump in my underarm. About the size of a pea. Ofcourse, Im freaking, thinking the worst. Will be making a Dr appt Monday.

Depending on the outcome...My TTC might be over? Has anyone ever had a lump under their arm and it turn out to be nothing??

8 years ago

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