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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Anna - Since you got a fairly visible yet faint line at 9 dpo, I think it's a good sign.

@Emma - I can understand your thoughts. It's not easy TTC when it takes time.

As for me, I took another test with smu and got a faint line on the cassette. But it's still way too faint and in my opinion barely a progression so far.. Guess I'm feeling really pessimistic right now. This is also the second month I've had really sore nipples, which isn't normal for me. I'm really hoping that's not going to be my new normal..

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5 years ago

I think it's safe to say I'm pregnant after having faint lines on 3 tests !!

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna - YAY! Nog congrats!

For those who wanna take a look, I have posted some pics of my test. Don't know how much you'll see. I noticed that my phone are completely useless when it comes to capturing lines. They're always lighter than IRL.

5 years ago

Thanks ladies, I really hope this is it! But I'm going to remain sceptical until I see a nice clear line. Hoping that my new tests will arrive tomorrow. If so, them I'm going to use a predictor early (similar to frer) and hope for a definite line.

5 years ago

Oh my goodness! So many exciting news! I’ve been traveling so I haven’t been able to log in much the past few days but I am so excited to see the news!
@Anna yaaayyy!!!! can’t wait to see that line get darker. I am so very happy for you looks like we may have due dates a few days apart
@Pando I see those lines and I really hope they get darker
@Mamanettie hope you find out it’s a healthy pregnancy very soon!
@crystal I hope it’s a sticky bean

5 years ago

Today's test

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5 years ago • Post starter

Guys it so does not feel real !! Im so excited and SO as well but it still needs to sink in I didnt even think I'd get a positive at 9dpo let alone a positive digital at 10dpo !!

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna I'm so happy for you! It's such amazing news! You must have great numbers to have a digi positive at 10dpo. Exactly the same as with my daughter! I was gobsmacked too at that early. The cheapies didn't get really dark until I was a week late. xxx

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5 years ago

5 dpo today the waiting game is on for me!
@anna i am so happy for you!!!

5 years ago

@Anna - Super congrats! With my son I didn't even get a positive digital until 13 dpo. So to get one at 10 dpo is definitely good.

12 dpo today and temp still basically the same, even though I feel SO warm! With my son my temp was up at 37.0 when I felt this hot, now it's much lower. On the other hand, so much has changed since then that may affect my temps. Especially my fibromyalgia that keeps me from sleeping a whole night without waking up at least 2 times. Right now I'm trying to study while I wait for the mail to arrive. Saved som urine in a cup. I think I might wait a little with the Predictor Early and try a strip first, and only dip the PE if the strip shows a line. I really want this to be it!! I even woke up and saw that my boobs are a bit swollen, which is quite noticable when you barely have any to begin with.

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5 years ago

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