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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@pandorica I am glad to see that a surge is possible when you have gotten nothing but lows or negatives. This is my first time using OPKs and I haven’t seen any change in them like most people do. I have tried testing at different times of the day with no difference. So I am patiently waiting for my peak!!
@becky fingers crossed AF doesn’t show and you get your BFP!!!

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5 years ago

@Shay - Maybe you're like me then. It varies from cycle to cycle for me, how short peak I have. Sometimes I can se the tests gradually get darker until it's positive, and sometimes it happens in a flash. I know that when we were TTC our son (soon 6) I usually never got a peak. I had such short peak and it almost always happened at night, that I missed it. That's why I use bbt too, to confirm ovulation (since it doesn't give you a heads up, like with OPKs). Fx you get your peak soon.

5 years ago

I will join this group, my EDD 10th November. This will be my 4th pregnancy, 3 previous early losses. 4 failed IUI’s, 3 failed IVF. Remaining neutral for now, not anxious but not happy either.

3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

Hi ladies!! I think I finally got a positive OPK and reached my peak! I took the test on my lunch around 2:30pm, will I miss my peak chance if we can't BD until this evening?!?! We don't get off work until 5&6pm!!!! (posted a photo under my photos)

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5 years ago

So my results are back and spoke to a gp, they wanted me to get an appointment but I’m not waiting a month, I don’t have pcos which is good, they couldn’t see my left ovary I don’t know about that, and the dermoid cyst needs to be atleast 5 Cm so just another Cm to go before they will remove it so in all the ultrasound was pointless and nothing to be done

5 years ago

Thanks Emma! It's been a while since I've used OPK's and didn't remember Glad there's nothing that needs to be done to you, though! My cysts always went away by themselves.

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5 years ago • Edited

Hello ladies, hope it's ok if I jump in here! I have been following your threads for the past couple months and figured it was high time I introduced myself instead of just stalking I'm 32 and DH is 33, we've been actively trying since September last year with nothing but a mountain of stark white BFN's in between. I have PCOS and my cycles are all over the place. Just came off *two* annovulatory cycles in a row , but I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. I got a suuuuper early positive opk yesterday (cd 8), so I'm waiting for a temp rise to see if it was real or if it's just my PCOS messing with me again. I'm trying Soy Isoflavone's this cycle to up my chances.

to everyone and bring on the 's already!

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5 years ago

@amarie -- men...what can i say? You absolutely can be having symptoms now because i certainly am and only got my BFP two days ago. I haven't even missed my period yet! I have heartburn crazy bad and also burning cramps and tender boobs. Thankfully no morning sickness. I hope you feel better soon. Have you tried some ginger or peppermint herbal tea?

5 years ago

@Lisa645 Monday was also my Birthday, I got my BFP on Friday!! Feeling kind of crappy also.

5 years ago

Okay let's do this...

@alex thanks girl I dont really care about when ovulation is but I'm hoping for this month as well Otherwise I'd have to schedule a c section in the next month as we'll be going away and I cant risk it so close to my due date...

@crystal I never had fertile cm before so I cant even say that was it... As for your cold some people say it's good for conseption because your immune system drops and allows for implantation but I dont know how true that is...

@shay aww I'm so glad your SO is more into it I actually tried to keep mine in the daze for as long as possible but now that he's into it I absolutely love it !! He's super cute and I'm glad things are looking promising I have my fingers crossed

@nadia congrats on your birthday and your bfp girl !!

@pandorica just give it a few more days babe it'll be there soon !!

@scuba oh no that line seemed so clear and positive to me !!

@becky any updates?

@bunny did you test positive yet girl?

@soooready aww no I'm sorry babe but hopefully this month is your month !! PCOS sucks especially like you said with opks because it doesnt work with that but I hope your positive was ovulation positive... Keep baby dancing

5 years ago • Post starter

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