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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hello ladies,

Out of my hiding place. Just here to wish everyone good luck. I am still very busy but we will back chatting with y all starting mid April. I will be less busy by then. I am not pregnant but had a very long cycle this time. I also have to meet with my OBGYN to check on my Hashimoto and PCOS. Keep the faith.

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5 years ago

@anna, got my BFP at 14dpo, completely unexpected as my symptoms went away. At 17dpo clearblue showed 2-3, the timeline is correct. Will test again next week. Because of my previous losses, I take it one day at a time. Thankful for every day I remain pregnant.

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3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

@Anna thanks for the kind words! And as for the opk’s, I don’t know about the digi’s, but with the cheapies that I use, I always get better lines after a longer hold.
@Scuba, I’m so sorry! Glad you have something to take your mind of things this weekend and that you’ll be getting more info soon from the bloodwork.
AFM: I had a very slight temp rise today and my O pains have subsided, so fingers crossed it keeps on going and I can confirm O. Gonna stay busy until then just in case

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5 years ago • Edited

@scuba: so sorry AF showed
@Pandorica: YAY!
@Anna: I've only ever used the internet dip strips. It doesn't seem to matter how long a wait it is to use one... Evenings are usually darker for me, but this morning it was dark than last night, so not sure which one to go by?

AFM: Got an even darker OPK this morning, so not sure which one to go by? Having pretty intense cramping that almost feel like very mild contractions as they come and go... very strange for me! Not sure what is causing it? It's central, not more on one side than another, so highly doubting it is from ovulation... I am expecting to ovulate today, so way too early for implantation. Definitely not gas the way they come and go like contractions... very confused about this?? This TWW should be less stressful for me, as all next week hubby and I are taking vacation with our boys since their school is closed for Spring Break. Looking forward to it!!

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5 years ago

@crystal I would just keep BD if you’re not sure.


5 years ago

@Bimini: Thanks, I'm trying to BD every night right now. Have to work to get hubby in the mood; this week is his late week at work and he comes home so tired, but it's worth it, especially right now LOL! I'd like to talk him into it at least today and tomorrow, too, LOL! And that is a great approach!! Not stressing and staying relaxed is key to conceiving in my opinion. It's when I finally conceived our oldest is when I took a cycle off from everything! Our very first, which we lost at 19 weeks, took over a year to conceive for some reason. I wasn't even tracking or aware of tracking anything! I think being on birth control for so long made it take so long... Wasn't on birth control after our oldest then when TTC#2 it was first cycle. I was on birth control for a bit after our youngest, so hoping that doesn't mean it'll take forever to conceive #3...

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5 years ago • Edited

@Crystal ????????For you...


5 years ago

@Anna what did you end up deciding? I've only ever used the cheap dip strips so I have no helpful advice but hope whatever you decide works for you.
@Scuba so sorry AF showed up. I hope your event this weekend goes well.
@Pandorica, Emma and Crystal hope your 2WW is not stressful.
@Bimini Way to go! for a BFP when you test tomorrow or Saturday. Keep us posted!
I'm 7 dpo today and already want to test I have a mild cold so I'm pretty tired today. Hoping to sleep it off tonight.

5 years ago

Hey My Ladies
Yall still here hanging as me ????

Ive visited you every month since i last left .
i hope u didnt forgot me :/
last time i said that we will stop ttc for a little time but that hasnt happened we still went on for that but no luck .

And here i am now back with you guys again i hope again that this month god blesses us all with the miracle

5 years ago

@agatch: I can't resist testing starting 7/8dpo myself... And thanks, my TWW shouldn't be too bad since we're taking vacation next week
@Bimini: to you, too
@octagon: welcome back!

Hubby and I fell asleep before we could BD last night, but dtd this morning, so hoping we can catch this egg OPK was negative this morning after being positive for two days, so not sure if that means I O'd yesterday or today? I'm not having as many symptoms today, so thinking it was yesterday... so going to say I am 1dpo!

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5 years ago

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