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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Scuba your chart looks amazing, mine looks like my toddler had a crayon on it I think this is going to be your cycle scuba xx

Here’s my next opk today- we have bd this morning and will continue for the rest of the week as it seems this is my peak more than last week, was hoping to have a day off today as well haha

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, I guess I'll transfer to this thread too. CD 13 for me and even though all my body signs tells me ovulation is near, I haven't even gotten a flashing smiley yet. My cm is really super eggwhite. TMI warning! I actually got a string of eggwhite cm that almost made a "touchdown" when I went to the bathroom. So super stretchy! My husband is home and doesn't have to leave for work until saturday afternoon. So we will probably bd every other day the whole week.

@amarie - congrats!

5 years ago

I’ll transfer here also as my EDD is November 19. That would be a blessing and such an emotional time for me if I conceive this cycle because last November 19 I gave birth to my baby girl but she was born sleeping. I miss her every day. It’s amazing how you fall in love and get attached before holding them in your arms. I’m 8/9 dpo and still being calm this far. I plan to test Friday /Saturday which would be about 12 dpo and thats usually when Ovia suggest I test. I hope we all get our bfp this cycle and have a


5 years ago

I am excited for everyone!!

@anna it sounds promising that you may O earlier than expected!

@becky it sounds very promising at this point! I would test soon!!

FMS: I am still just patiently waiting for a peak on OPKs. Though yesterday and today I have had a punching feeling in my right side. Hoping that is a good sign. I haven’t checked cm or cp much this cycle though I am super early still only cd11. Hubby was super cute last night. He was asking how the OPKs work and how temping works. I told him it was very early in my cycle still so our bding over the weekend probably weren’t in my fertile window at this point. He was kind of disappointed but was excited to know we still have a chance this cycle since things seem promising right now.

Baby dust to everyone!!!

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5 years ago

@scuba random naps on the sofa were the first sign for me! I took three hour naps Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You're not out until the witch shows!

AFM: Got my BFP on Monday (my birthday!) and today i'm 14 DPO. Had beta HCG drawn yesterday (81 miu/ml) and my OBGYN wants to see me in two weeks. I have had sore boobs for a few days and yesterday afternoon i started getting cramps. It seems like they are more intense at the end of the day and feel like a burning sensation. My temps are also still super high and i just feel HOT. Heartburn is real and keeping me up at night. I'm cautiously optimistic and hopeful but also trying to stay realistic knowing that I'm 41 and this is going to be a risky pregnancy.

Hope to start seeing some more on this board soon!!!

5 years ago

Crystal once you get your peak on a opk you ovulate in the next 24-48 hours so bd tonight tomorrow and Friday x

5 years ago

Hey ladies. Can I rant a bit? I got my bfp Saturday night and started having symptoms Sunday. Morning sickness has been pretty bad (especially compared to my first pregnancy) and my husband is brushing it off like it is nothing. So frustrating! He basically said you just found our you are pregnant you can't be having all these symptoms this early. One, he has and never will be pregnant, and two, every pregnancy is different! My last one was a breeze, however it does not mean this one will be!
Ok rant over, thanks for listening!

5 years ago

Nothing to update here girls lol... I fell into a sad hole last night about not being pregnant which was great... SO and I also talked about pictures we're gonna take of how my stomach is progressing and he came up with the weirdest things lol... I also got upset at The walking dead because the girl got pregnant in an apocalypse and I shouted at the TV "you can get pregnant around zombies and I cant even do it every day" lol I think that's where my sadness started (followed by another TV show where the chick announced she was pregnant lol)... Hey a girl can wish lol but we have high chances my doctor seemed confident so we'll be confident

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna - I use fmu with digitals.

@scuba - Oh no, that sucks hun! Damn af!

AFM - I got my peak today! So it's a golden egg that's about to be released. Highly doubt that we will get a lasting bfp this month. But it would definitely be fun to surprise my hubby for his birthday, since my period is expected around his birthday. Oh, and I changed my supplements since I realized I probably need more of some vitamins/minerals to help me feel better. So I started taking Conceive Plus. Not expecting them to work right away since I know it may take months to change your levels.

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5 years ago

@ Scuba so sorry AF came.
@ Pandora hope this is it.
@ Bunny huge congratulations and I wish you all the best.
@ Shay/Anna the clear blue digi is all I used. I got low that morning and high or peak later in the day most times. So I was glad to take it easy this cycle for the same thing. Too much to do and spending too much money. I’ve decided I know I will get the BFP. Just don’t know when. And taking my temp, spend a fortune one opk and pregnancy test did not make it happen any sooner. Acutuall I feel all the stress and pressure from it slowed it down for me. Everyone is different this route I’m now taking may not work for anyone. But I feel much more relaxed and not like I’m taking a bar exam. Im on my 3rd straight week of the gym. 5 days a week for an hour each time. Mostly cardio. I’m so proud of myself. I’m 10/11 dpo and have not tested once. (So unlike me). Plan to test with a dollar store test Friday /Saturday. If nothing then just wait to see if AF shows up Tuesday /Wednesday when she’s due. Unless it’s some real vomiting. But I’m done going through tests like a mad woman.
Congratulations again to all who got their BFP and good luck to all waiting.


5 years ago

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