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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Ladies I couldn’t bring myself to going to the gp, this cycle I’m planning on temping and not trying but not protecting as I want to see how it goes, can you tell me everything I need to look for so I can guess ovulation only through temp & cm ? I got a few positive opk’s last cycle so I want to just put my trust in my body instead

5 years ago

@emma this is my first cycle temping and I love it! I know exactly what my body has been doing because of it. The cm has just been a reinforcer of what I already knew. I was not expecting my chart to be so clear my first cycle temping and I was super nervous about it when I started! I have an alarm set for the same time every day and I just roll over to grab my thermometer from my night stand. That simple! Since I get up so early during the week I leave my alarm on for the weekends too. I just take my temp and roll over back to sleep. It will happen for you!! I am super happy with charting for sure!!

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5 years ago

@lissa that's true babe I'm just gonna take it easy I was quite active yesterday and I think that contributed to it...

@shay you've got this babe this is your month !!

@crystal I see what you mean maybe try a different brand and see what happens as well? I personally have seen too many screw ups with FR to trust them anymore but your lines are getting darker and that's exciting !!

@pandorica all the best babe whatever you feel would be the best for you and I agree with using something to track your fertility maybe just do the monitor

@Emma usually fertile cm like EWCM or more watery not everyone gets egg white and then obvs if your temp drops and rises the next day you ovulated

5 years ago • Post starter

So I have to say I'm having so much fun with testing lol especially the different theories and old wives things... I used an opk and a test this morning which the opk came out positive so that theory works lol... I also did the bleach test (outside of course) and it was bubbling like a boss which is awesome lol I havent tried any others yet but they all came back positive and its exciting...

As far as symptoms go, I'm definitely hungry... I ate a full plate last night around 7 and at 9 I was hungry again to the point where I felt like I didnt eat at all... Boobs are kind of iffy they are sometimes sore sometimes not but they started again this morning and then I have the cramping which seems to have settled since yesterday

5 years ago • Post starter

Okay so just got back from the bloodworks I did a quantitative test and I'll have my results in 5 or 6 hours then I'll update

5 years ago • Post starter

Guess I spoke too soon - the witch is here..

5 years ago

Hey ladies
So i am 6dpo and i am still getting positive opks! Any one know what's going on?

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5 years ago

@sam keep bd’ing down, you might not have released your egg yet, or your body is still trying to, I had 3 peaks last cycle

5 years ago

Hey no i don't have pcos but the test was positive then it went negative now its positive again????

5 years ago

Sam I don’t have pcos either but I don’t seem to ovulate every month either

5 years ago

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