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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@pando I am so sorry! That has to be so rough!

@anna I am so excited for you!!

AFM: boobs are doing a little better still tender but not as bad. Extremely tired!! Slept in a little late so I am running behind! I have this weird pinching feeling bellow my belly button. Like it actually feels like someone is pinching me from the inside lol comes and goes though. Staying positive as I am only 6dpo and trying not to read too much into stuff. Good luck everyone!!

5 years ago

So, quantitative test on Tuesday was in nada, zilch, nothing...I'm so confused. I still have every symptom, always regular cycles, and AF still hasn't shown up (now a full week late). Dr did an exam, everything looked normal, mentioned PCOS. Never ever had anything like that. Maybe I ovulated a lot later than I thought & my luteal phase is super short?? I'm at a loss...but I'm so happy for everyone who jas their BFP! ??

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5 years ago

Checking in after a few days away, and I’m so excited for you. Anna! Like everyone else, I had a feeling this was your month. Keep us posted on your progress!

As for me, I’m CD 11 and the OKPs are still very negative.

5 years ago

@crystal i bought the cb digital ovulation tests and only used 5 so I still have 5 left so figured why the hell not lol... Instant smiley !! Your Walmart lines have improved which is great !! Just hold on babe cramping is normal I literally get AF cramps about 4 or 5 times a day...

@Alex I'm defs hanging around babe I'm not going anywhere !! And yes I told one of my co workers about it yesterday and she got chills lol I guess it really is a sign !!

@Shay all good signs babe I'm for reals holding thumbs for your bfp this month !!

@Lawrence hey babe we missed you !!

5 years ago • Post starter

So I'm amused with the fact that my test line is still not darker than the control line seeing as my hcg count is at 127 (or more today)... I'll upload a picture in a bit... No noticable symptoms other than I definitely need to pee more, I'm hungry and the emotions are getting to me lol... I get phases where I just want to be alone and want nothing to do from SO because he annoys me that much and then phases where I want to cuddle and be loving and things lol... One thing I can say though is that my linea start popping up immediately it diesnt take them a while to become positive

5 years ago • Post starter

Still not super dark which is okay lol

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5 years ago • Post starter

@anna your tests are looking good!
Posting a pic of my chart!

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5 years ago

AFM: only a 3 day af even though I had a 37 day cycle, last time that happened I ovulated properly and got pregnant, that was a couple of months ago, here’s hoping for this cycle that I ovulate again x

5 years ago

@Sam your chart is super confusing but you got baby dancing in on all of the days which is good girl keep doing that !!

@emma i really hope you get it this cycle babe !!

5 years ago • Post starter

AF from hell showed. Cramping 5x more badly than usual. Is that normal for chemical? I had one chemical 5 years ago and remember cramping worse with it as well. Bleeding seems brighter red, too. Honestly kind of relieved it's finally happening so I don't have to keep guessing and being tortured. Now I can move on and forward.

Thinking of trying to temp this cycle along with opks...

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5 years ago

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