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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@emma what app do you use? I want ot track my periods and length as well. I use flo and it doesn't break it down like that

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5 years ago

Hello all and lots of baby dust! just wanted to add that LH strips can also detect HGC hormones so it will show positive if there is trace amount

5 years ago

Hey ladies
This isn't pregnancy related but i need to do a activity starter for my uni class for tomorrow but i am not sure of what to do any ideas?

5 years ago

@shanta77 I use 3 apps, fertility friend, flo and Femometer, they all have good points so I use them all flo is good for keeping track of my irregular cycles, Femometer is great for reading opk’s strip tests and FF is good for bbt charting , hope that helps xx

5 years ago

Okay ladies, I think I'm psyching myself out :/ Every app I have checked says I probably O'd between 3/2-3/4, making me currently 8-10 DPO. I usually have SUPER sore breasts from O until AF, but just the sides have started hurting yesterday (7-9 DPO). On Saturday (5-7 DPO), I had horrible waves of nausea & it still comes & goes every once & awhile. Haven't had any IB, but I've been cramping since about 6-8 DPO. Horrid heartburn started Saturday & is still occurring, which is not normal for me. Now, when I sit upright, or slightly lean forward, it feels like I have a tennis ball in my lower abdomen & is uncomfortable. All HPTs up to this morning have been stark white & BFNs. Am I going crazy wanting a BFP so badly??

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5 years ago

@Anna I am not exactly sure I thought I would have heard by now, but I guess that's good news

5 years ago

Experienced a little bit of spotting at 13 dpo. I don't know if its the start of AF but today at 14dpo when I woke up, there was nothing. The last time I found out that I was pregnant was about 17 dpo so I'm gonna hold off testing now until I'm 17 dpo. AF is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

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5 years ago

@emma girl same !! I have FF, Ovia, Glow and countdowntopregnancy lol which I update on a regular basis !!

@nadia keep me posted babe !!

5 years ago • Post starter

I also use FF, Ovia and Glow! But I use Kindara too, mainly to give me more practice to interpret my chart myself without an algorithm telling me when I ovulated.

5 dpo and are trying to think of anything else than testing. So right now I'm walking down memory lane and are looking at old pictures of all the hamster and rabbit litters I've had through the years. I'm so excited to finally be able to get rabbits again, I've missed those furry little darlings! I mean, just look at these adorable kits I had like 10 years ago!

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5 years ago

@pandorica absolutely adorable I love them!! Floppy fluffy ears We currently have ferrets lol

5 years ago • Post starter

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