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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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221 - 230 of 395 Replies | Last Page

@crystal, thank you for the words of encouragement. I had the scan earlier today and saw the tiny little flicker of the heartbeat.

3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

@Bunnyhugger: Yay! So amazing, so happy for you!

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5 years ago

@shay I'll update as soon as I have a result!!

@bunny I hope everything is okay but just on a positive note it's completely normal to have symptoms come and go during pregnancy and not have one thing all the time

@crystal i looked at your tests and the Walmart and FR defs has lines babe so I'd want to take it as positive...

@mama maybe your hcg hasnt built up enough yet babe I still have my fingers crossed for you

5 years ago • Post starter

Well I took another test and the line is there and defs darker than yesterday but I cant get it on a damn photo or distinguish whether it's a pink or grey line... Holding for tomorrow then...

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5 years ago • Post starter

This one might be better they are in my photo gallery as well

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5 years ago • Post starter

Better light

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna, I see a second line

3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

@bunny 9dpo its crazy!!!

5 years ago • Post starter

If this is a true positive it's crazy to get it at 9dpo guys !! The only symptoms I had was my boobs and I'm tired + thirsty all the time... What we did different was SO used sperm I prove, we used CB digi opks and I was on the 2 different types of folate

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna I see it!!!! I got a faint positive at 9dpo with my daughter xxx

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5 years ago

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