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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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I didnt know there were a couple December boards? I know a few people on these one though! Lol Im trying for a December baby. I started taking vitex this cycle. I usually only notice just a bit of fertile cm through my cycle, usually just 1 day. ut this cycle I have seen several days of fertile cm! We shall see what the mo th brings. I had a positive opk on CD 11 this time. Super early. I had cramping last night before bed, but I just marked today as O day. Close enough. We have been bd'ing since Wednesday I think! Lol so we covered our bases! We shall see what the month brings. This is month 8 of trying for #2.


5 years ago

@millbarnet lovely to see you on this board xx

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5 years ago

Hi guys! I am back & today should be O day, CD 16 for me. I thought I might have o-Ed overnight but based on my temp I don’t think I have yet. Still having o pain and opk is still positive, my peak was definitely yesterday. Anyone else about to hit the tww or just hit it? I would love to have a chat buddy during this time as it literally drives me a little batty just waiting around.

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girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

Well ladies, hubby and I are going to start discussing adoption. He's worried too much about my health and worried about dealing with any more loss... We're going to discuss it tonight, but I believe I am already decided that adoption is what I want to do. We've experienced enough loss and heartbreak and we just don't want to go through it anymore. I guess I assumed that conceiving our youngest so easily meant it would be easy again; how naïve of me. Our loss at 19 weeks with our very first pregnancy still haunts us and with everything we've been through, I really feel adoption is the way to go for us. It was a pleasure, ladies, TTC with you all.

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5 years ago

Going to see a doctor after work today... took a test today to make sure hcg was gone, and this is almost the darkest test I've ever had. Bleeding with huge clots and very bad cramps started Saturday, some clots and bleeding and cramps yesterday, light bleeding today. Been dizzy and almost constant headache since Friday... What could be going on?!?! So confused!

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5 years ago

@crystal such a wonderful and thoughtful decision. Good luck with the adoption process.

For various reasons we were only able to BD once before I ovulated, but fortunately we got the timing right. We BDed yesterday afternoon, and I ovulated this morning. I know once isn’t ideal, but hoping for the best.

5 years ago

@crystal please definitely see a doc.i had the same when I was pregnant with my ectopic. Big heavy period and faint FRER lines xx

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5 years ago

Wow! Did I miss a lot! I for some reason felt like this was your month @anna so I was super excited to see your BFP!

As for me, I took a month off and was still thinking of taking more, but randomly BD in the middle of the night both half asleep...LOL. Anyways the next morning decided to take an opk because I hadn’t tracked at all, no temps, no opks, not even CM. Low and behold, that morning I had an almost positive OPK which was positive by the afternoon. So I think I’m sitting at around 1DPO now. I don’t think I’ll be too stressed this TWW, because again I’m okay either way. If I’m not pregnant, it’s another month to try and lose some weight. But congrats to the BFPs! Good luck to everyone else in the tww.

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5 years ago

Seen doc today. My HCG was only 5, so it's almost back to 0, so not suspecting ectopic anymore, just confirmed chemical. Amazed FRER even picked that up!! Should be completely back to normal soon. Thanks ladies!

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5 years ago

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