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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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OMG YAY Anna!!!!!!!!!!

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5 years ago

Congrats Ana. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I took my trigger shot last night of overdriel and I have IUI in the morning!!
How are you guys doing?

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5 years ago

Congrats Ana. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I took my trigger shot last night of overdriel and I have IUI in the morning!!
How are you guys doing?

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5 years ago

Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!! When are you telling SO? xxx

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5 years ago

I already tried with this test and I showed him the one of this morning and he looked at me like I was crazy because there's no second line lol... So I'll wait till its darker or have a positive digital and show him... Some of the left over pee on the test spilled on him and he freaked lol

5 years ago • Post starter

Omg you guys I'm actually pregnant after all these months of trying !! We're having a rainbow !!

5 years ago • Post starter

YAY Anna!

5 years ago

@Anna - YAY! Nog congrats!

For those who wanna take a look, I have posted some pics of my test. Don't know how much you'll see. I noticed that my phone are completely useless when it comes to capturing lines. They're always lighter than IRL.

5 years ago

@Anna: I am so excited for you!!

@Pandorica: I see faint positives on yours, still, too!!

@shanta: yay baby dust your way!!

Me, I am going to keep testing and hope I see these lines of mine get darker... but I am fully convinced this is going to end as a chemical

But I am SO happy for you ladies getting your positives WOOT!!!!!

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5 years ago • Edited

@Anna Congratulations girl!!!

5 years ago

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