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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Morning You all ,
ive wanted to ask you something about acid folic so i hope you can help me .

From december i begun to drink acid folic till now but some say that u need to drink it just 3 months before you concieve but we didnt and i dont know if i should still drink it or no whats the difference

thank you if someone explains it to me i googled id but couldnt find any answer.

5 years ago

@Anna have you set a date? xxx

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5 years ago

@octagon folic acid is good no matter what and its recommended to keep drinking it right through your pregnancy as well... You'll see prenatals has something like 500ug folic acid in but I was advised to take folate and not folic acid as it works better

@scuba yes !! The 4th of July 2020 (we dont celebrate 4th of July lol it's just an every day date here)

5 years ago • Post starter

Anna this is a quick example of my cycles, generally longer than most but annoyingly irregular too haha

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5 years ago

@emma maybe it could be implantation babe I dont think it'll be AF yet

5 years ago • Post starter

@agatch congratulations on your BFP

@Anna congratulations on your engagement! That is super exciting!

Update: I went to my family physician last Wednesday, of course I couldn't get enough pee in the bottle to confirm lol. Anyways I was sent for a bunch of blood work and urine samples and have my first ultrasound booked for the 27th. Just for fun I took a digital test on Saturday,???? I am definitely pregnant and right on track My EDD is Nov 5.

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5 years ago

My temp is still up so my impending doom feeling that af was going to come yesterday must have just been something else haha ????????

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5 years ago

I was hoping my 4 year old son would wear a shirt I bought him as an announcement to my in-laws but when it was time, he was too embarrassed haha he much rather show off his racing car shirt 4 year Olds are funny

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5 years ago

Congrats to all the BFPS in the group!! yayyyy !!

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5 years ago

@nadia thanks babe I appreciate it !! Yes you're defs pregnant lol when are you getting the blood results back?

@emma hopefully a good sign !!

So i just cut a pepper and there was a baby pepper inside and some people believe it's a sign that a baby might be on the way so fingers crossed right lol... So if no baby this month and we stop trying I'm still gonna keep you guys in the loop and continue with my boards !! I dont have a lot of friends and need someone to share my excitement with lol...

5 years ago • Post starter

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