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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Good luck, Shay. I hate the " just track what happens this cycle and see what happens..." Like you say, isn't that what I've been doing for the last 6 months?? I wish they had done fsh:lh on you CD3. Google it if you want, but basically it tells you how well your hormones are functioning to trigger ovulation. Can help indicate PCOS or decreased ovarian reserve. If your doc won't order it, there are now at home kits you can buy online. They are expensive, but I feel like it's worth it to get answers that might help speed up the process. You test normally on CD 3 and also around CD if you have Od to test for progesterone. That's just my opinion, hope you don't mind me sharing. I really hope all your cycle needed was a jump start. I used to O all over the place, so don't worry if you don't O on CD14. Most of us don't and it can jump around a lot. Your LP will always be the same. But I don't agree with your doctor... Because my LP is consistently 16 days. There is no way to know how long yours will be until you track a few cycles. 14 is average but I think it can range from 11-17 and still be considered "normal". So counting back 14 days might not be accurate. Use all the tools in your tool box (temp, opk, cm, CP) to determine your actual O date.

5 years ago

@scuba EEK!! Are you sure you're only getting BFN? I didn't get implantation bleeding but I can tell you I didn't start feeling implantation cramps until the day after I got my BFP and they lasted for two days. I got my BFP on 12 DPO so cramps were 13 and 14 DPO. I think the implantation process takes a few days. I agree you may have ovulated later than FF has predicted by looking at your chart. Fingers crossed for you!!!!!

5 years ago

Morning everyone !! Just checking in... Sorry I've been MIA I'm busy with party planning for SO tonight... After 2 none fertile days I got my smiley this morning at cd15 so its probably gonna be a 29 or 30 day cycle again... Did bd last night and will again today and tomorrow as well as keep testing till it goes solid circle again

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5 years ago • Post starter

Yay for smiley Anna!!

2DPO today. Only DTD 2 and 5 days before O and the day after. Not using OPKs so I'm really not sure though. #3 was conceived 6-7? days before O, so I know timing isn't everything. We will see I guess. Having a short LP means that the 2WW at least goes a little quicker.

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5 years ago

Thanks @lissa I completely agree. I will hopefully O on my own and confirm with everything else.
I did get the flashing smiley this morning with my digital. So happy I decided to go for the digitalis. I also had a drop in temp this morning so we will see.
We bd last night and I am planning on it for the weekend as well. I will be out of tow Monday and Tuesday so hopefully the weekend will be enough!
@anna I am excited for you!! Hoping it all works well and this is your month! You completely deserve it!!

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5 years ago

@Anna I see the smiley....

Today is 12/13 dpo and I tested and it’s negative. AF is due Tuesday or Wednesday. So I’ll just wait and see if she comes or not. Thankfully over all I still feel ok. Obviously I want it to be positive but not sad like I would normally be when I see the stark white.


5 years ago

My husband told me he dreamed I was pregnant last night so I had to test! 9 dpo. Seems like a faint line on FRER and on my Internet cheapy. What do you guys think?

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5 years ago

@agatch I see the line!!

When I went to the bathroom and wiped I had some spotting a little while ago. It didn’t go on my underwear or anything. AF is due Tuesday/Wednesday. I had a girls night out last night with some dancing and a few glasses of wine. Not sure if it’s making AF come sooner. Remember I took a test this morning and it was negative.


5 years ago

@Bimini I don’t think a night out could make AF come sooner. Are you sure when your O date was? Could this be IB? If so it would be another day or 2 before a test can pick it up. ????

5 years ago

@agatch I also see the line on the FR I hope it gets darker !!

My opk this morning went back to a solid circle so I think I'm ovulating today yay !!

Also... I got engaged last night!!

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5 years ago • Post starter

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