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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Emma- still nursing my 19 month old and I very much think it's messing with my body a lot more this time around than it did with the other 2. When I mentioned it to my GP last time (I think i had mentioned AF still being irregular and my skin being gross lately) she was kind enough to tell me I was getting older (Im 31) and it was so be expected. So according to her it's pretty normal for nursing to interrupt your body more, the older you get. I conceived #2 while nursing #1, we were NTNP and fell pregnant within 3 months. AF returned and was regular very quickly after my first 2. I definitely think pregnancy and breastfeeding has been a lot harder on my body at 30 than at 21.

@Anna- I LOLed at your friend, I'm surprised that she could do IVF and not realise how it works. For her to get a BFP 5DPT Im guessing she must have had a 4 day embryo transferred, which is more like testing at 9dpo. with testing!!

I'm 9dpo today. No symptoms of a BFP or of AF. I don't feel particularly hopeful and strangely I'm ok with that. I've started back at the gym, and signed up to do some studying, and trying to focus on other things. If it doesn't happen soon, I feel like maybe it's a sign and that's meant to be it for me. Its just not happening for me, and that's harder to deal with for me now, than not trying at all.

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5 years ago • Edited

@Emma I was still nursing when we conceived our son but it was only my second cycle post-partum ( it took 10 months for me to O again after my first baby and even longer the second time). I think nursing can affect TTC in several different ways: definitely hormones but also the amount much energy it takes your body to produce milk can leave little energy for anything else. But it really depends on the person. I have friends who easily breastfed throughout their all pregnancies and even tandem nursed but for me it is so draining for my body that I had to stop nursing my 1st at the end of my first trimester when I was pregnant with #3 because i was losing too much weight.
@Anna I’m wishing really hard to see a picture of a BFP from you next week
to everyone waiting to test

5 years ago

So many good news. Congrats for all the bfps and congrats on your engagement Anna. I am praying for y all. I might be ovulating either or tomorrow based on cm. But we won t be bd this month. Im too nervous bc of my school. This is my last semester in the hope to become a licended teacher. I will be done in abt 3w and we will resume then. I yave an appt to check on my thyroid levels and will talk to Dr. @Emma im also still bf my 15months old so it could also be affecting my cycles. Congrats everyone.

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5 years ago

First time posting been trying to concieve for 5 months, one chemical in December. Started spotting today 9dpo from when i think i ovulated hope it’s a good sign! Congrats on all the BFP’s! Miscarriage 3 years ago. I felt extreme pelvic heaviness around 6-7 dpo and today before i spotted i had lightning crotch.

5 years ago • Edited

8 dpo and my temps jumped up a bit. My cramps are getting more noticable. For the last 3 days or so, I've been feeling really hungry! Trying not to think of it as a pregnancy symptom.. and it's getting harder and harder not to test..

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5 years ago • Edited

Thank ladies, I was nearly 11months past delivery before I got af and then didn’t have another for 2 months, about a week before I got my first af I had been through some major stress so I account that to starting my af tbh x

I thought my temp was on its way down but did a jump up again today, by FF I’m 12 dpo but by Femometer I’m only 7dpo so I’m going to wait till Tuesday/Wednesday to test again unless af turns up, hoping my jump today is implant good luck ladies x

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5 years ago

Of course I couldn't keep myself from testing any more.. But I'm going to remain neutral, since I don't trust any brand at all untill there's a nice clear line.

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5 years ago • Edited

@pando I am sure you still have time! I can only imagine how hard it is to be patient. I know I am not patient most of the time either. Love that you are staying positive!!

AFM: I finally got my positive OPK! Ran out of the digital and didn’t buy more. Instead I figured I would finish out my cheap ones I got online. My temp dipped today too! Definitely staying positive and going to bd today and the next couple of days!!

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5 years ago

@mistique I totally agree I didnt understand but I think she thinks having eggs implanted is the same as having sex or ovulating idk

So just a quick update from me... I'm 6dpo today and really taking things chilled... I'm not hanging on my apps this month which is helping... Only thing to report is my boobs are sensitive on the sides and I get sharp pains on my right side if I move certain ways/too fast... but that's all to report

5 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies!! Just passing by to say hello! I have my fingers crossed for you girls waiting to test and I’m with all of you who are waiting to ovulate!!
I’m cd10 today and as I said I’m not planning to do any opks, charting or hpts this cycle. I’m leaving things to faith.. We keep BDing whenever we are in the mood (fortunately we are good at this lol) and hopefully at some point we may get pregnant.
Idk if I’ll ever get back to charting and all that Jazz and I don’t even know if I actually believe that I’ll ever gonna get pregnant but I have to say that this charting free cycle is so liberating to me... I feel free and clean of crazy thoughts!! I really wish you all get your bfps this cycle and I thank you all so much for being here even reading this post! Hugs and much love to all

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5 years ago

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