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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@shanta77 I use 3 apps, fertility friend, flo and Femometer, they all have good points so I use them all flo is good for keeping track of my irregular cycles, Femometer is great for reading opk’s strip tests and FF is good for bbt charting , hope that helps xx

5 years ago

Okay ladies, I think I'm psyching myself out :/ Every app I have checked says I probably O'd between 3/2-3/4, making me currently 8-10 DPO. I usually have SUPER sore breasts from O until AF, but just the sides have started hurting yesterday (7-9 DPO). On Saturday (5-7 DPO), I had horrible waves of nausea & it still comes & goes every once & awhile. Haven't had any IB, but I've been cramping since about 6-8 DPO. Horrid heartburn started Saturday & is still occurring, which is not normal for me. Now, when I sit upright, or slightly lean forward, it feels like I have a tennis ball in my lower abdomen & is uncomfortable. All HPTs up to this morning have been stark white & BFNs. Am I going crazy wanting a BFP so badly??

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5 years ago

@Anna I am not exactly sure I thought I would have heard by now, but I guess that's good news

5 years ago

Experienced a little bit of spotting at 13 dpo. I don't know if its the start of AF but today at 14dpo when I woke up, there was nothing. The last time I found out that I was pregnant was about 17 dpo so I'm gonna hold off testing now until I'm 17 dpo. AF is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

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5 years ago

@emma girl same !! I have FF, Ovia, Glow and countdowntopregnancy lol which I update on a regular basis !!

@nadia keep me posted babe !!

5 years ago • Post starter

@pandorica absolutely adorable I love them!! Floppy fluffy ears We currently have ferrets lol

5 years ago • Post starter

Talking of apps my Femometer app tried to alter my ovulation day today to this Saturday just gone because of my temp jump, but I got my blazing on the 4th and then negative tests for the rest of the week anyways I’m 8/9 dpo and still hcg testing haha if I get a bfp this cycle do you think it will acceptable to get the gp to do a blood test ? I want a bit more reassurance from what happened last time

5 years ago

@emma totally !! Our GP sends us for blood tests immediately and some do it every second day for a week straight to make sure your hcg levels are rising... Totally get it counted !!

5 years ago • Post starter

Ladies a new thing for me so wanted to ask you all, last night when I was nursing I stood up from my chair to put little one down and I almost fell over, the pain across the front of my womb area felt like I’d tore something haha, I had to lie down till the ache went but I’ve noticed it keep happening today to, could it be implant pain ? I’m around 8/9dpo but I’ve not had a temp dip like I did last cycle although I know we are all different and can have different symptoms I just wanted to know what you think ? X

5 years ago

Hi everyone! I am back and for sure ovulated last cycle, finally after 20 months without a cycle due to breastfeeding. Unfortunately, we missed the egg due to my husband being gone. He is home this cycle and I am currently CD4. Doc says my hormone levels look great and I will likely ovulate again this cycle. I am set to ov around the 24th. Anyone else around CD4 and want a ttc buddy? If so, shoot me a friend request or message.

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

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