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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Morning everyone !! Just checking in... Sorry I've been MIA I'm busy with party planning for SO tonight... After 2 none fertile days I got my smiley this morning at cd15 so its probably gonna be a 29 or 30 day cycle again... Did bd last night and will again today and tomorrow as well as keep testing till it goes solid circle again

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5 years ago • Post starter

@agatch I also see the line on the FR I hope it gets darker !!

My opk this morning went back to a solid circle so I think I'm ovulating today yay !!

Also... I got engaged last night!!

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5 years ago • Post starter

I was hoping my 4 year old son would wear a shirt I bought him as an announcement to my in-laws but when it was time, he was too embarrassed haha he much rather show off his racing car shirt 4 year Olds are funny

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5 years ago

@nadia thanks babe I appreciate it !! Yes you're defs pregnant lol when are you getting the blood results back?

@emma hopefully a good sign !!

So i just cut a pepper and there was a baby pepper inside and some people believe it's a sign that a baby might be on the way so fingers crossed right lol... So if no baby this month and we stop trying I'm still gonna keep you guys in the loop and continue with my boards !! I dont have a lot of friends and need someone to share my excitement with lol...

5 years ago • Post starter

I also use FF, Ovia and Glow! But I use Kindara too, mainly to give me more practice to interpret my chart myself without an algorithm telling me when I ovulated.

5 dpo and are trying to think of anything else than testing. So right now I'm walking down memory lane and are looking at old pictures of all the hamster and rabbit litters I've had through the years. I'm so excited to finally be able to get rabbits again, I've missed those furry little darlings! I mean, just look at these adorable kits I had like 10 years ago!

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5 years ago

@emma it could possibly be a symptom babe especially if you didn't have a dip !! Wait a couple of days more and test !!

@JL that's so exciting il sorry you missed the egg last month but its definitely good that you ovulate I'm so excited for you !!

@mistique it sucks when AF is unpredictable... When are you planning on testing? Got my fingers crossed for you

@shay omg no babe I seriously hope that you stop having positives soon lol (not what I usually hope for)... Are you currently PP how long are your cycles?

5 years ago • Post starter

@bunny I'm blowing everything off as progesterone related I'm not even going to be like "omg this is a symptom" because there's explanations for everything happening right now which isnt pregnancy related lol...

I have my second specialist appointment tomorrow where I'll be discussing the possibility of us being pregnant this month and then the best type of birth control if we are not... I fell into a super dark place 2 or 3 days ago where I actually didn't want to be pregnant because of all the things happening in my mind (I'm an over thinker so I over analysed everything) and ended up crying because it's something that I've wanted so long and it's something that I still want and I just realized that because something changed my entire mind set changed but I think it's the thing of not being able to get pregnant or have a successful pregnancy for so long that also got me down

5 years ago • Post starter

Is anyone else nursing and ttc ? My little one is 2 today and I swear this is a factor into why we have been ttc for 14 months, he’s only having 4ish feeds a day now and has been sleeping through for about 6 months , even with my irregular cycles we have never had all this trouble with getting pregnant so wondering if anyone else has noticed it’s effecting them too ?

5 years ago

So I took one of those cheapies and I feel super unsure about my result... I feel like I see a really faint line but I think it's me being hopeful I didnt even do a proper hold and just took one for fun so it's probably my mind... Taking it as negative for now will test again in the morning

5 years ago • Post starter

Starting to become discouraged. 6 weeks pregnant, symptoms seem to be deminishing. I had a CB 3+ at 5w4d, which means my urine hcg was at least 2761.
4 days until scan, anxiety is overwhelming. Praying it’s not another loss.

3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

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