Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by hugs)
I already tried with this test and I showed him the one of this morning and he looked at me like I was crazy because there's no second line lol... So I'll wait till its darker or have a positive digital and show him... Some of the left over pee on the test spilled on him and he freaked lol
5 years ago • Post starter
@Anna: I am so excited for you!!
@Pandorica: I see faint positives on yours, still, too!!
@shanta: yay baby dust your way!!
Me, I am going to keep testing and hope I see these lines of mine get darker... but I am fully convinced this is going to end as a chemical
But I am SO happy for you ladies getting your positives WOOT!!!!!
5 years ago • Edited
@Anna AWESOME NEWS! So happy for you <3
AFM, called the DR office this morning...I'm between 14 & 17 dpo, but tests aren't getting any darker than vvvvfl, but I just know I'm pregnant. AF is now officially 4 days late & started having sharp/stabbing pain in my left ovary area, but DR didn't seem too concerned about ectopic?? . DR sent me to get beta bloodwork, so just waiting for the call back with results.
5 years ago
Stopped by to see how everyone is doing and I'm so happy to see all the positives! Congrats ladies!
I'm in my last couple of days of AF. I'm really enjoying not tracking and just relaxing. Will be doing the same thing for this cycle. I also had CD3 blood work done so I'll be making an appt to go over that with my OB and discuss the HSG and SA.
Congrats again! You all deserve it!
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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