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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Anna!!!! I cant even tell you how happy I am for you!!

5 years ago

Thanks ladies I appreciate it !! I cant tell you guys how out of breath I am lol... The lady who shares an office with me immediately knew when she saw how out of breath I was lol I thought this only happens in late pregnancy? I have to say though I feel so positive about this pregnancy I'm actually excited so hopefully the symptoms start rolling in now

5 years ago • Post starter

@anna in so happy to see that digital say yes! Definitely no guessing. I'm alright, despite having a hellish few weeks. My step grandma pass away Friday, DH and I have taken turns being sick and our cat has been sick for weeks and it looks like the second round of antibiotics for her hasn't worked either. AF also showed on the two year anniversary of my D&C. A lady at work really got under my skin too because she kept saying "wait til you have kids" about everything. I'm anxious about the blood work results and next steps, but I got all the numbers already on their app and it looks like the only one outside of the normally range is my FSH. It's a little low rather than being high which, from what I can read, is actually the better of the two. I must have enough of it though if I'm ovulating. I'm surviving though and just trying to take everything one step at a time.

5 years ago

Hello ladies! Just came to see how everyone is doing and I’m blown away!!!!!!!
ANNA IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Sorry for the caps but I don’t know how to express my excitement!! I knew you’re gonna get your bfp same month with your engagement You so totally deserve it babe!
Pandorica congratulations to you too girl!!! What an amazing thread this one was with beautiful bfps
I hope for everyone to get their bfps soon!!!

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5 years ago

@Anna: WOW, a positive digital at 10dpo is amazing and wonderful!!!! Congrats, girl!! What an exciting month for you, engagement and a baby

@Pandorica: I can't wait to see your test today!! for a darker line!

@Kait: So sorry to hear about your rough weeks... I can't imagine going through all that at once

AFM, I didn't test with fmu today... I am SO nervous that line will disappear... Apparently my lines are darker with evening urine, so I'm waiting til tonight to test again. Only one internet cheapie left, so ordering more today. 2 FRERs though... Hoping like crazy this little one sticks... I'm a nervous wreck right now. I'm cramping uncomfortably today, feeling like AF trying to come early kind of cramps, and worried it's a bad sign... The only symptom I had were tender/tingly boobs and that has slacked off today, so can't help but be scared right now.

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5 years ago • Edited

I am so excited for everyone!!

AFM: I am really struggling today! Super tired, feeling uneasy in my stomach, getting dull aches and pains on both sides, and my chest feels like it is on fire! My nips are still super tender so I wore a softer bra today but not helping much. Ugh I am only 4dpo so I doubt it is anything. Just gotta get through the day with my class and then I am going to go crash at home. Staying hopeful that this is all good but I know it is way too early!

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5 years ago

Fatigue hit me like a brick wall at work this morning. I feel beyond tired and so blah this morning... I want to go home and crawl back in bed, hard to focus on work right now...

@Shay: How sure are you on dpo?

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5 years ago

@kait I hope everything goes well babe and that your next steps work out I'm excited to see a positive from you soon as well !!

@Alex aww thanks babe I really appreciate it I just need that bfp from you now as well !!

@crystal girl get them positives going I'm glad your symptoms are showing !!

@shay i think I'm with crystal on this are you sure you're 4dpo?

5 years ago • Post starter

I’m so unsure today of my test. I only got a faint line on a ClearBlue nothing else. AF due tomorrow. Hoping for something better tomorrow’s tests. Even tho I’ll test a ton today yet because I have a horrible poas addiction. @anna I’m so glad your was so clear for you! Congrats!! @crystal we have the same name that’s awesome but I definitely see lines on yours, hoping they get stronger and you get your big soon!

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5 years ago

I uploaded some pics of my test today. Bummed the line isn't visible in every lighting. But it's still a line, although faint. Are still questioning wether this is viable or not..

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5 years ago

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