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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@shay don't be discouraged... I once had 7+ days of flashy smiley face before I got my peak.

5 years ago

@Shay you usually get your lowest temp around your LH surge so fingers crossed it’s coming in the next few days!
@Alex thank you! I’m sorry you got AF and are feeling discouraged. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. I hope the break from tracking helps you. My in-laws struggled for 10 year before they were able to conceive and they ended up having 3 children. Sometimes strange things happen and they are hard for us to explain but I wish with all my heart that you will soon become a mom too!

5 years ago • Edited

@emma thanks babe

@agatch I really hope that bean sticks babe uou've been in this with me so long I need to see you succeed!! and thank you

@crystal thanks babe... lol dont worry crazy dreams suck but it's a thing lol !! Have fun on your trip!!

@alex aww thanks have I really hope so too !! Dont lose faith yet girl I know you guys have been trying forever but maybe taking a break is worth it for a while We'll always be here for support you can even PM me if you wanna talk

@sooo that would be crazy but I totally agree would be super awesome !! I'm sorry your tracking is difficult but the loads of baby dancing is good !!

@shay thanks girl !! That's weird I only got one day of a smiley on my digi... they say 2 days but I only got the one day (solid, solid smiley, solid, solid)... But you're ovulating yay !!

5 years ago • Post starter

As for me second day with a solid circle so I think its save to say I'm 1dpo yay !! Let the tww begin lol... But like I told shay I didn't get 2 days of positives I got solid, solid, smiley, solid, solid and I even analysed the strips itself and they are all super faint except for the smiley which is the same colour as the test line but we did bd 2 days in a row, skip a day, 2 days in a row type of thing I'll post it later so we should be okay

5 years ago • Post starter

I think we're good lol

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5 years ago • Post starter

My update...the spotting last night is now bleeding. So I am counting this as cd1. AF was not due for 2/3 days but came early.


5 years ago

@Shay - It's completely normal for the temp to drop (either drastically or gradually) around ovulation, like agatch said. I always get a gradual temp drop up until ovulation. Can show my current chart as an example.

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5 years ago

@Anna Congratulations!!!!!!

5 years ago

So guys I think if we do not conceive this month or next month I'm calling it till next year May as I do not want to be pregnant/have a due date close to my wedding...

5 years ago • Post starter

@anna that sounds like a good plan. And congrats by the way!

My update...I’m expecting AF today or tomorrow. I’ve tested on Wondfos the last few days and have gotten some VERY light lines if I squint. I think it’s just line eyes. Funny how that happens.

5 years ago

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