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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@anna, got my BFP at 14dpo, completely unexpected as my symptoms went away. At 17dpo clearblue showed 2-3, the timeline is correct. Will test again next week. Because of my previous losses, I take it one day at a time. Thankful for every day I remain pregnant.

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3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

Hey My Ladies
Yall still here hanging as me ????

Ive visited you every month since i last left .
i hope u didnt forgot me :/
last time i said that we will stop ttc for a little time but that hasnt happened we still went on for that but no luck .

And here i am now back with you guys again i hope again that this month god blesses us all with the miracle

5 years ago

@agatch I see it!!!!! Congratulations! Can't wait to see it get darker!
@Anna omg omg!!!! Congratulations beautiful!!! What an amazing ring! You must be over the moon! I'm so happy for you! xxx

Well my AF is properly here as of last night an a bigger temp drop. So no trying these next two months. But I'll be getting my tests done and losing weight and getting fit I'll keep you all posted! xxx

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5 years ago

Thanks everyone! I took another Internet dip strip test this morning and there is a faint line again. The brand I use is usually really good about being stark white no matter how long and with how much light I stare at it. I just hope it’s a sticky bean. I know the odds of chemicals are much higher the older you are so i’m trying not to get too excited.
Anna congratulations!! so happy for you! there is more to celebrate very soon! You’re going to be such a gorgeous bride!!
Scuba i’m so sorry AF arrived. I hope you get to pamper yourself and relax during the next couple of months and get back to it with a BFP in 3 months.

5 years ago • Edited

@emma girl same !! I have FF, Ovia, Glow and countdowntopregnancy lol which I update on a regular basis !!

@nadia keep me posted babe !!

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna -

So, I'm 6 dpo today and feeling absolutely nothing except for some light discomfort (very very light cramps). But I always do at this part of my cycle. Normally I would've already tested, but even though I find it REALLY hard I'm not gonna test until 11 dpo. I'm curious as hell every cycle, but I feel I reached a point where I rather see a negative than see a faint line disappear. I've had so many chemicals I'd rather not now of them anymore.

On another note, I've started eating pineapple (including the core) as of yesterday. I know I tried it many cycles ago and thought I would give it a go again. If it helps with implantation, then great! If not, at least it's really yummy.

5 years ago

My app’s are annoying me atm , I’m currently 6dpo, 10dpo and 11dpo by my 3 apps, I have lower backache and sore boobs and just checked my cervix which is high and super hard, I have no idea what that means btw If I go by the 6dpo app then maybe I’ve still got a chance as hcg test is negative today

5 years ago

Crystal I feel I can see something on your tests x

5 years ago

@Anna, I see a second line

3 ????, 4 failed iui, 3 failed IVF ????

5 years ago

Yay Anna! Everybody knew this was your month!

I am trying to get into a obgyn office as my current one is totally incompetent and treats me as a paycheck rather than a patient. I also went in for blood work (wanting my hcg numbers) and they ordered everything but that test! So frustrating! Screw that! Plus they want me to drive over an hour to the hospital to give birth in November (snow and ice) new ob office is less than 10min from my house and in the same building as the hospital I would give birth in. I am not a patient and they want me to come in for blood work confirmation once I am back from vacation Friday morning

5 years ago

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