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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Of course I couldn't keep myself from testing any more.. But I'm going to remain neutral, since I don't trust any brand at all untill there's a nice clear line.

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5 years ago • Edited

@pando I am sure you still have time! I can only imagine how hard it is to be patient. I know I am not patient most of the time either. Love that you are staying positive!!

AFM: I finally got my positive OPK! Ran out of the digital and didn’t buy more. Instead I figured I would finish out my cheap ones I got online. My temp dipped today too! Definitely staying positive and going to bd today and the next couple of days!!

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5 years ago

@mistique I totally agree I didnt understand but I think she thinks having eggs implanted is the same as having sex or ovulating idk

So just a quick update from me... I'm 6dpo today and really taking things chilled... I'm not hanging on my apps this month which is helping... Only thing to report is my boobs are sensitive on the sides and I get sharp pains on my right side if I move certain ways/too fast... but that's all to report

5 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies!! Just passing by to say hello! I have my fingers crossed for you girls waiting to test and I’m with all of you who are waiting to ovulate!!
I’m cd10 today and as I said I’m not planning to do any opks, charting or hpts this cycle. I’m leaving things to faith.. We keep BDing whenever we are in the mood (fortunately we are good at this lol) and hopefully at some point we may get pregnant.
Idk if I’ll ever get back to charting and all that Jazz and I don’t even know if I actually believe that I’ll ever gonna get pregnant but I have to say that this charting free cycle is so liberating to me... I feel free and clean of crazy thoughts!! I really wish you all get your bfps this cycle and I thank you all so much for being here even reading this post! Hugs and much love to all

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5 years ago

Update, what i thought was just spotting turned into full period, fingers crossed for this month! To everyone still waiting hoping for BFP’s for you!

5 years ago

I have no idea where I am dpo now and did a frer which was negative so I’m guessing that me out again

5 years ago

@Alex I miss you babe and good luck with everything I hope you get that baby soon you deserve it so much girl !!

@keke I'm sorry babe that sucks but hopefully you'll get your bfp soon !!

@Emma if you go according to the 6dpo app then you can always be too early still

5 years ago • Post starter

Well I tested this morning (8dpo) because I wasnt feeling like waiting lol... It came out negative which is okay I didnt expect to see anything this early anyways... Boobs still hurt which I now take as an all in my mind thing but I think AF is gonna show as my face broke out so badly the last couple of days

5 years ago • Post starter

@keke I am so sorry. That is never fun. Hope this next month is your month!!

@emma you still have time! Stay positive! You will get there!

@anna i have found that my chest hurts shortly after O or whenever there is a rise in progesterone. Definitely not fun but I don’t count it as a symptom either. I still think this will be your month!!

AFM: I believe I am officially 1dpo. I had horrible pain by the afternoon after I had a positive opk in the morning. It was terrible. Sharp pains on both sides and then a dull ache that didn’t go away till much later in the evening. We were able to bd before the pain got too bad. My temp was up about 0.4 degrees this morning. So hoping that was it!! If I O’ed today then we at least bd’ed Yesterday. The hubby has had terrible allergies today so there was no chance of bding today. Fingers crossed for everyone!!!

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5 years ago

@shay this is supposed to be my "if it happens great if not that's okay too" month and honestly I feel like I did every other month after a negative... I totally expected it to be negative but it still sucks especially since we're stopping after this month (SO's sister's wedding so no December due date, our wedding in July, etc)... But it's okay I'm sure you guys caught your egg and by the sound of things it sounds like that egg ovulated hard lol but got my fingers crossed girl !!

5 years ago • Post starter

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