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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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So guys I think if we do not conceive this month or next month I'm calling it till next year May as I do not want to be pregnant/have a due date close to my wedding...

5 years ago • Post starter

@anna that sounds like a good plan. And congrats by the way!

My update...I’m expecting AF today or tomorrow. I’ve tested on Wondfos the last few days and have gotten some VERY light lines if I squint. I think it’s just line eyes. Funny how that happens.

5 years ago

Thanks for all the encouragement ladies!!

@anna I really hope this is your month!! Sounds like it was times right!

AFM: I am still getting the flashing smiley. No solid smiley yet. We bd twice over the weekend and I will be gone tonight. I will be home tomorrow evening so we will see what happens. My temps are still low so hoping it all works out. Hubby is the one actually pushing a little more and asking all sorts of questions. Definitely encouraging that he is getting so into too.

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, I’m feeling a bit glum atm, I’m only 6/7dpo but just feel like af is ready to come, my bbt has been high the last 2 days so I guess time will tell, currently on cd28 and we’ve finally had a couple of days off from dtd you know some of you will understand that you just feel like af is coming , maybe I’ll be lucky and implant instead haha, hope your all doing well x

5 years ago

Hi everyone. I'm a 36-year old mom of a 3-year old and of 2 baby angels. My latest miscarriage was in January 16 at 5 weeks. Got my positive OPK this February 27, BD'd on the 22nd, 24th and 27th. Now on my TWW (13 dpo). Period is due on March 14. All my tests have been BFNs so far.

At 9 dpo my symptoms were facial acne, abdominal cramps.
At 11 dpo, watery CM and sore throat.
At 12 dpo, cramps, tender breasts, slight fatigue at night and sore throat.

Not giving up hope until AF comes on Thursday so still hoping that there's a rainbow baby in here.

Good luck to all of us!

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5 years ago

@Anna thank you that’s really kind! I’d be so excited if your get a BFP this cycle too!!! Sounds like you and SO timed things well so ????
@Shay so great that your hubby is supportive and wants to understand how it all works. That’s really helpful! Hope you get that solid smiley very soon
@Emma hope your intuition about AF is really wrong!
@praying welcome! I’m sorry for your losses and hope you’ll be holding your rainbow baby in about 9 months!
My lines have been getting darker so I’m excited but still nervous (only 11 dpo so I think i’ll feel better after AF is officially late). I’m supposed to fly to Europe tomorrow with my 2 kids but one of them has a cold so I may have to cancel which would be upsetting because I won’t be able to get refunds and I was looking forward to visiting my family. I’m nervous about his little ears hurting too much during take off and landing though

5 years ago

@agatch Thanks! By the way, congratulations on your BFP! Take care!

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5 years ago

@Lawrence have you tested again???

@shay aww that's so sweet of him I'm glad he's more into it !! It makes my heart happy lol

@emma do you have long cycles? I'm usually 12 or 13dpo by cd 28 lol... But if you're 6dpo it's too early for AF to come!!

@praying I hope you get your positive babe it could have been too soon to test as AF is only due in 2 days

@agatch yes we did we only skipped one day between bd and then we bd between 2 and 4 days in a row before that... I'm sorry your little one is feeling sick babe I hope he feels better soon and that you guys have a safe flight!!

5 years ago • Post starter

@ItsAnna Thanks, I hope so too! Just saw your BD scheds and you got a lot this cycle! I think you're good!

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5 years ago

Morning You all ,
ive wanted to ask you something about acid folic so i hope you can help me .

From december i begun to drink acid folic till now but some say that u need to drink it just 3 months before you concieve but we didnt and i dont know if i should still drink it or no whats the difference

thank you if someone explains it to me i googled id but couldnt find any answer.

5 years ago

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