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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thanks ladies I appreciate it !! I cant tell you guys how out of breath I am lol... The lady who shares an office with me immediately knew when she saw how out of breath I was lol I thought this only happens in late pregnancy? I have to say though I feel so positive about this pregnancy I'm actually excited so hopefully the symptoms start rolling in now

5 years ago • Post starter

I uploaded some pics of my test today. Bummed the line isn't visible in every lighting. But it's still a line, although faint. Are still questioning wether this is viable or not..

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5 years ago

@lissa - No, I actually haven't, since they aren't interested in helping us. But a friend actually sent me progesterone for two cycles, and they didn't do any difference what so ever. Not even with my bbt, weirdly enough.

I have decided to put my thermometer away for a while and only use my monitor. I've been having problems for the past months that I subconsciously am pressing my teeth, and are really tense in my jaw muscles since then. So I bought a teeth guard to sleep with and that will most likely interfere with my temps. I don't want to temp vaginally, so that means I'm putting the thermometer away. Though I might use my fertility monitor, since I want to know when I ovulate in order to start taking baby aspirin.

5 years ago

Ok, now I'm feeling a bit confused to be honest. Thought af would have showed up by now, I feel really crampy. But it's still only brown spotting. I took an ic yesterday, just go confirm that the negative was correct. Got a really faint line, but those can get evap, so I thought it was one of those. Here's what's confusing me. I took another one today, and the line is darker then yesterday. I thought for sure that af would be here by now, so I don't know what's going on. If it hasn't arrived in a few hours I think I'll take my Predictor early, just go confirm if the line on the ic is real or not.

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5 years ago • Edited

Still not super dark which is okay lol

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Crystal - so sorry that it's a chemical for you too. My period egen I have a chemical are pretty much the same as my regular period. I get a little bit of discomfort, but not much cramping at all. So if I didn't test before af then I wouldn't know the difference.

We'll have to keep our fingers crossed that we get the best christmas gifts ever.

5 years ago

@anna thanks! The sharp pinching pains were killer yesterday.

@sam your chart is so confusing to me! Definitely looks like you covered all of your bases with bding though!

@lawrence I didn’t get a positive opk till cd22. Definitely still have time!!

@emma I definitely think this new cycle is yours!!!

@crystal I am so sorry! I can’t imagine how hard it has to be.

AFM: today seems to be better than yesterday. No sharp pains yet but it is still early in the day. My chest is still sensitive. DH went to give me hug last night and I made a little yelp lol he was shocked it was hurting that bad. Staying hopeful and still a little crampy today. So hard to wait to find out!! I am only 7 dpo so not going to take a test till at least 8-9 dpo!

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5 years ago

@crystal so sorry about the chemical. I did get heavier bleeding and more cramping after mine in August. My tests turned negative the day before AF arrived though
@Anna lines look great!!!!
@Shay hoping you get that BFP in the next couple of days!!!

5 years ago

@crystal I had heavy bleeding and positive hcg with my ectopic. Keep an eye on it and if you are concerned definitely get a blood count over a couple of days to check your numbers xx

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5 years ago

Well ladies, hubby and I are going to start discussing adoption. He's worried too much about my health and worried about dealing with any more loss... We're going to discuss it tonight, but I believe I am already decided that adoption is what I want to do. We've experienced enough loss and heartbreak and we just don't want to go through it anymore. I guess I assumed that conceiving our youngest so easily meant it would be easy again; how naïve of me. Our loss at 19 weeks with our very first pregnancy still haunts us and with everything we've been through, I really feel adoption is the way to go for us. It was a pleasure, ladies, TTC with you all.

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5 years ago

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