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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Anna -

So, I'm 6 dpo today and feeling absolutely nothing except for some light discomfort (very very light cramps). But I always do at this part of my cycle. Normally I would've already tested, but even though I find it REALLY hard I'm not gonna test until 11 dpo. I'm curious as hell every cycle, but I feel I reached a point where I rather see a negative than see a faint line disappear. I've had so many chemicals I'd rather not now of them anymore.

On another note, I've started eating pineapple (including the core) as of yesterday. I know I tried it many cycles ago and thought I would give it a go again. If it helps with implantation, then great! If not, at least it's really yummy.

5 years ago

@Anna, I am sorry you have been struggling It is easy for emotions to yoyo when things are not working the way we hoped. I hope you get your BFP this month

5 years ago

Guys! I am having a lot of hip discomfort On both sides!! I struggled lifting my legs yesterday and even today as I was driving to work (45 min ????) it was uncomfortable! I have been feeling quite fatigued, including my body. It almost feels like I have inflammation on my hips or something, I am hoping to make an appointment with my Chiropractor soon, possibly help me with some strategies or something pregnancy safe to give me some relief ????

5 years ago

Thanks Anna. I am still getting the stupid flashing smiley!! I only have one more test left so I am hoping it is a solid smiley since I am not sure I will be buying more just yet. Still been using the cheapies and today’s is darker. I am really getting frustrated!! The digital test when I pulled it out was a big mess so I am wondering if it messed it up and I was supposed to have a solid smiley. So I waited a while and did a cheapie test and it looks pretty dark to me but I have no clue!! Any thoughts ladies??

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5 years ago

@shay i don't think you are there yet. I have read that you're not supposed to read the lines inside the digital test because they don't mean anything. I think i already told you i once had a flashing smiley for a long time and thought i was going to miss my peak but it just took a looooooong time. Since your cycles are irregular, you might want to get more sticks and be prepared to keep testing for a while. If you want to save money and you already know you had your estrogen surge, i would get the LH only test (the pink instead of the purple). I have also heard that once your purple one starts flashing it will keep flashing until it detects LH, so it's not like its still telling you it detects estrogen as you keep testing if that makes sense. If your temps are still low then you haven't missed you O. Keep BDing every other day if you can to make sure you don't miss it. I know its frustrating AND i know exactly how you feel!

5 years ago

Sitting at the doctor's office now waiting to go in... I'll let you guys know when I have an update... I'm actually getting to the point where I want to start testing lol I'm only 5 dpo, 10 days till my period I dont know how I'll hold it I might order some cheapies online again for the wait lol... But they'll only come on Monday so I'll start testing at 8 or 9dpo

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna - Good luck at the doctor's office! I can totally relate to wanting to test early. I'm 7 dpo and are itching to test. Waiting until 11 dpo feels almost like torture.

AFM: Slept like shit tonight, so I'm super tired today (not that good when I have to study ). But even so, the temp were almost the same as yesterday. Expected it to be lower actually. Are starting to feel warmer, but it's probably only a progesterone surge I'm feeling. Some slightly tender boobs, which appears to be my "new normal" since I've had it for a few cycles now. Counting down the days until I plan on testing at 11 dpo and are actually quite proud of myself for not testing already.

5 years ago

@pandorica I can relate with tender boobs being a new normal it's for me as well I never had it before and then now for the last few months it's a thing post ovulation and then swelling pre AF...

5 years ago • Post starter

My app’s are annoying me atm , I’m currently 6dpo, 10dpo and 11dpo by my 3 apps, I have lower backache and sore boobs and just checked my cervix which is high and super hard, I have no idea what that means btw If I go by the 6dpo app then maybe I’ve still got a chance as hcg test is negative today

5 years ago

@emma how long is your cycles? All 3 my apps usually only different with a day or 2 so maybe go with the 10/11dpo? Unless AF doesnt show obviously which makes it difficult... Test anyways maybe?

So my egg count is 2. something I'm not sure which is in the safe/normal category and good for IVF as well apparently lol... My doctor said if AF doesnt show on the 25th then we should test but if she does then I can just phone him and he'll give me Yaz Plus which has folic acid in as well so it doesnt take it out of your body... I was speaking to a friend today who got IVF and she said 5 days past her transfer she got a positive pregnancy test so I should test seeing as I am 5dpo and I just didnt know how to deal with her lol... As far as I understand a fertilized egg implants quicker and builds hcg quicker with IVF which is why you get the positives it doesnt work the same with normal ttc but I didn't tell her that... When she did her blood draw her count was already above 1000 (she had twins though)

5 years ago • Post starter

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