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November & December 2019 babies

Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi I’m emma, 34, we are on our 14 month of ttc baby no.9 I’ve previously had an eptopic and had my first miscarriage last cycle I’m currently in my 2ww and if we don’t conceive this cycle I’ve decided to have my next cycle off before we decide to try again or not , good luck ladies x

to you all x

5 years ago

Hello ladies! I am going to jump on with this one!
I just finished a cycle that was induced by Provera. Hoping I ovulate naturally on my own after this. If not we will look into the next steps. This is our 11th month of ttc our first little one. Baby dust to all!!

5 years ago

Hi ladies I'm jumping in too! I'm about 8/9DPO xxx

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5 years ago

I will jump over here too ladies. My due date is November 15th. My body likes late year babies I guess! My DD bday is Dec 17th!
I still haven't told my hubby because I want to surprise him with a digital. I am nervous it won't be positive yet since my positives are still very faint

5 years ago

@emma hopefully your rainbow is around the corner babe !!

@scuba you're almost there girl hold on!!

@shay girl Iissed you !! I hope everything goes well !!

@amarie keep us posted on what's going on okay

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks @anna! January and February were rough months so hoping this month goes much better!! Finally saw the doctor and he put me on Provera to jump start everything. Hoping that is all I needed!
How are you doing?

5 years ago

Jumping in as well. I’m 3 dpo today. Good luck and to all!

5 years ago

@shay that's good I'm glad you're taking some steps... My doctor has put me on supplements with folate in it's apparently better than folic acid so I'm taking that and in 2 weeks I have to go see him again so that we can discuss our steps for the next cycle (taking meds when to start etc)... If I dont conceive this cycle obviously... He also did a blood tests to see how many eggs I have or something I'm not completely sure but we're discussing that as well... Most expensive blood test I ever did lol but yeah things are looking good and he said we should conceive within the next 3 months so that's exciting!!

@agatch yasss girl I'm always happy when I see you lol I feel like we have a gang going here

5 years ago • Post starter

I’ve just posted this on the October/November one lol can someone advise me please, can you ovulate twice

Ladies I need advice, I thought I was in my 2ww as I had the top opk on Thursday and tested again Friday/Saturday and they were negative, just done the bottom test today and this is more of a peak than the one from Thursday , what’s going on ? So confused, have I not ovulated yet ?

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5 years ago

Gosh @emma I'm as confused as you!
What do you all think about my chart? I've converted c to f and my temp this morning was 37.03C / 98.65F!!!

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5 years ago

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