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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Scrap the soya, been told I can’t use them as I’m nursing , I’ll be going gp tomorrow as I’m fed up and need answers, what tests do I need to ask for ? I want to know why I’m not ovulating regularly and why I have horrendous irregular cycles, I don’t have pcos so that’s been ruled out, what test do I need ? X

5 years ago

I tested during my lunch and the FRER line was much lighter than last night's, barely even visible... I feel like I hoped for no reason. This is going to end in a chemical and I wish I didn't even test at all this cycle... I don't think we'll be TTC#3 after this, I just don't think I can take anymore... I feel like an idiot for testing early, for telling my husband and raising his hopes... now it's just going to break his heart, too. I know we haven't TTC#3 very long, but after battling depression all last year and reliving the miscarriages I've had in the past, I just don't think TTC is it for me anymore if all I'm going to get are more losses...

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5 years ago

Sorry for my downer of a post, I'm just so confused at this point. But turns out a lot of women are having issues with FRERs, does anyone here agree?? My .88c Walmart cheapie was darker today than yesterday's and even darker than the FRER taken today, so I'm so confused but can go to bed less heartbroken.

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5 years ago

I had a FRER turn positive immediately back in January, but every other test was negative. Ended up in ER a week or so later. They did a blood test and it came back negative. I have since decided FRERs are not as good as they used to be. I have seen lots of people have issues with them. Keep your head up @crystal. The lines are still there!!!

AFM: still struggling a bit. The day got better and I made it through. Chest still hurts and still getting cramping. I usually only get cramping on one side but this month it has alternated back and forth. Half the day will be my left side and the other half the day will be my right side. Definitely annoying!! I have been hungry all day too!! We ate dinner and I could not get the idea of chips and cheese dip out of my head so I had to go eat some even though we litterally had just eaten dinner!! So weird!!!

5 years ago

@mama have you tested again yet? I'm anxious to see your test !!

@pandorica maybe those tests arent as sensitive as the strips?

@shay maybe just a progesterone effect then babe? But hoping for good signs obviously !!

@Becky girl I feel the same I feel connected to you guys

@emma maybe ask for a progesterone test, thyroid, those type of things... When we got tests done I specifically remembered those 2 being requested and an egg count to see where your hormone levels are at...

@crystal oh no babe I'm so so sorry But there's hope for the other test going darker I'm seriously holding on to that for you !! It'll be okay !! It needs to be okay !!

5 years ago • Post starter

Okay so it seems like my lines keep getting darker !! I still have 5 internet cheapies left and taking one a day to see a line progression and the one from this morning is already darker... It has a clear line unlike the others lol...

5 years ago • Post starter

@anna idk what’s going on I have weird spotting right now. I shared a picture cuz it’s definitely not AF like blood. I posted my FMU pic in my gallery! So happy for your lines getting darker!!!

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5 years ago

@mama I defs see a line there babe !! If you have more tests definitely take one okay!!

5 years ago • Post starter

OMG I’m sooooo happy to see so many BFP. Congratulations to all of you lovely ladies. You most certainly deserve it.
These babies will all stick and I know you’re gonna be awesome mothers.
@Anna it seems like we all just knew this was gonna be your month. So much to celebrate. Congrats to You and SO. Glad he could see a digital.
AFM I’m still not tracking anymore. It will happen soon and once it does I will be happy to share it with you ladies.


5 years ago

@anna I just took this one a little bit ago. I’ll be testing again in the morning but my spotting has stopped for now so we shall see

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5 years ago

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