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Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by informative)
Hey ladies. Can I rant a bit? I got my bfp Saturday night and started having symptoms Sunday. Morning sickness has been pretty bad (especially compared to my first pregnancy) and my husband is brushing it off like it is nothing. So frustrating! He basically said you just found our you are pregnant you can't be having all these symptoms this early. One, he has and never will be pregnant, and two, every pregnancy is different! My last one was a breeze, however it does not mean this one will be!
Ok rant over, thanks for listening!
5 years ago
@amarie -- men...what can i say? You absolutely can be having symptoms now because i certainly am and only got my BFP two days ago. I haven't even missed my period yet! I have heartburn crazy bad and also burning cramps and tender boobs. Thankfully no morning sickness. I hope you feel better soon. Have you tried some ginger or peppermint herbal tea?
5 years ago
Okay let's do this...
@alex thanks girl I dont really care about when ovulation is but I'm hoping for this month as well Otherwise I'd have to schedule a c section in the next month as we'll be going away and I cant risk it so close to my due date...
@crystal I never had fertile cm before so I cant even say that was it... As for your cold some people say it's good for conseption because your immune system drops and allows for implantation but I dont know how true that is...
@shay aww I'm so glad your SO is more into it I actually tried to keep mine in the daze for as long as possible but now that he's into it I absolutely love it !! He's super cute and I'm glad things are looking promising I have my fingers crossed
@nadia congrats on your birthday and your bfp girl !!
@pandorica just give it a few more days babe it'll be there soon !!
@scuba oh no that line seemed so clear and positive to me !!
@becky any updates?
@bunny did you test positive yet girl?
@soooready aww no I'm sorry babe but hopefully this month is your month !! PCOS sucks especially like you said with opks because it doesnt work with that but I hope your positive was ovulation positive... Keep baby dancing
5 years ago • Post starter
@amarie with my angel baby my SO was the same... If I said I'm feeling this way or that way he'd just say "You're pregnant not sick don't make it worse" but we weren't really in a good place then and he has calmed down a lot he's even asking me about symptoms now... Don't take your SO personal he doesn't understand all of the changes your body is going through he can just see you from a distance I also agree with what lissa said
5 years ago • Post starter
Nothing to update here girls lol... I fell into a sad hole last night about not being pregnant which was great... SO and I also talked about pictures we're gonna take of how my stomach is progressing and he came up with the weirdest things lol... I also got upset at The walking dead because the girl got pregnant in an apocalypse and I shouted at the TV "you can get pregnant around zombies and I cant even do it every day" lol I think that's where my sadness started (followed by another TV show where the chick announced she was pregnant lol)... Hey a girl can wish lol but we have high chances my doctor seemed confident so we'll be confident
5 years ago • Post starter
@Anna I know how you feel. I found out this week that two friends are pregnant with their second. I can't say I wasn't gutted for myself
@lisa @amarie I hope you are both doing well! I had a dreadful first pregnancy from week 2 I being pregnant until the end. So I know how you both feel.
For all of you waiting to ovulate good luck!
My update. I literally cannot believe it but had a massive temp drop and AF was there when I went to the toilet this morning Shocked is an understatement as I'm not due until Monday so this is a short cycle. But I'm incredibly stressed this month as my business has a big event tomorrow to Sunday. I should have guessed as I had an acne breakout too which I hardly ever get. On the plus side, which I'm trying to hold on to, I'm off today prepping for my event so I'm waiting right now to get my blood tests done as they have to be done on days 1-3. The results take 2 weeks to come through. Hubby needs to get his semen analysis done now which I can't afford until payday so 1 week to go for that. He's not looking forward to it
5 years ago
Oh I’m so sorry scuba, I honestly thought this was going to be your cycle, is there any chance it could be implantation bleeding as your in that window time wise xx
An odd one for me, when I usually have a blazing peak my opk will be clearly negative by 24/36 hours later, the top pic is Monday’s 200 reading and today I’m still reading high, I definitely think I ovulated Tuesday but this cycle has been really weird, my temps don’t look good either, seems my body might be a bit messed up still
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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