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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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Omg you guys! I was not expecting a digital to show up this early! 11DPO

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5 years ago

Omg!!!!! Yay! Your numbers must be great! Congratulations! xxx

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5 years ago

So I'm doing OPK's this cycle. It's been so long since TTC, I forgot and this is probably a stupid question, but: is it normal for them to start getting darker and then light again before ovulating? I thought they just kept getting darker until peak? Bottom most recent test.

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5 years ago

@crystal they should get really dark then lighter. Did you test twice a day? You may have missed your peak xx

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5 years ago

Mine go up and down throughout my cycle then get a positive out the blue, I’m being tested for pcos though so I know opk’s can play tricks on you if you have pcos x

5 years ago

@scuba: Yes, I tested twice yesterday, then bottom test was this morning. I haven't even gotten close to a positive yet. Only cycle day 11 today.

I will test again later today. I am sick with a really bad cold, so not sure if it could mess with my body and ovulating... I don't believe I have pcos?

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5 years ago

@amarie: congrats!!! when I was pregnant, I wouldn't get a pregnant on digital until 12-14dpo!

@scuba: I just noticed your hgc test on 8dpo!! Have you tested again yet??

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5 years ago

@emma, the cycle I notice two peaks I still got my period on time... there's too many scenarios... we should get an MD degree after reading so many articles.
keep BBD while you see positives, it cannot hurt your chancesss!!! I hope this one is the one!!!!

5 years ago

@crystal I know it looked good and convincing but all the tests since have been stark white xx

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5 years ago

@scuba: that is SO strange!! The line is so noticeable and came up almost immediately, you said, so I highly doubt it's an evap... what a strange test that was! so sorry try not to give up hope yet, though, it is still early.

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5 years ago

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