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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@amarie: congrats!!! when I was pregnant, I wouldn't get a pregnant on digital until 12-14dpo!

@scuba: I just noticed your hgc test on 8dpo!! Have you tested again yet??

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5 years ago

@crystal I know it looked good and convincing but all the tests since have been stark white xx

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5 years ago

@scuba: that is SO strange!! The line is so noticeable and came up almost immediately, you said, so I highly doubt it's an evap... what a strange test that was! so sorry try not to give up hope yet, though, it is still early.

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5 years ago

Congrats @amarie!! That is so exciting!!!

I am with everyone else and these OPKs. It is my first time using them and I have noticed that I fluctuate a little each day. One day it is a little darker the next it is lighter. Still temping too with nothing noticeable yet. I am early though only cd10 so we will see what happens!!

Baby dust to everyone!!

5 years ago

Good morning ladies !!

@amarie congrats I'm so excited for you !!

@scuba when are you testing again?

5 years ago • Post starter

@amarie congrats !!! So exciting!
@anna sounds like you have a good doctor. From all the research i’ve done it does sound like folate is the way to go over folic acid but unfortunately not many doctor recommend that. And I agree with him: we’re definitely seeing a BFP from you within 3 months!
Scuba you’re chart looks amazing!
@Alex hope you’re doing well!

5 years ago

@agatch I definately hope so !! I'm on edge with wanting to go get opks but then again I dont want to either lol... I feel like I need to save up this month because I need to take another trip to the city and possibly get meds as well... It sucks not knowing when I'll ovulate but we'll bd every other/everyday anyways... The doctor did say around the 8th or the 9th so I'll go with that

5 years ago • Post starter

Okay no defs going to town to pick up some ovulation tests... I'm only cd11 and I had super strong pinching on my right side so I went to check my cp and it's open and there was a string cm (very light white almost clear colour) on my finger so I'm confused as hell

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna sounds like O is around the corner! I've tested a few more times since and still negative. Today a slight temp drop too although very high still. I'm sure it's on its way down I think I just have to be positive as I do my blood tests this cycle and hoping days 1-3 fall on Monday as I have the day off. xx

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5 years ago

Well I feel like my ovaries are having a battle with Thor atm and I have EWCM so yesterday’s opk that peaked to a 200 reading was definitely my peak good luck ladies xx

5 years ago

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