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starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! part 4

This is for all the ladies out there who are using clomid to help them conceive. Feel free to express your every emotions and you can never give TMI, remember we are all on the same page and have heard it all! So welcome to the group!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

297 Replies • 12 years ago



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Found it! Thanks for starting the new forum!

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12 years ago

Thank you for posting the link to get here, JaimeNix. How are you feeling now on 8 DPO?

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

12 years ago

You're welcome Felurian. Now at 9dpo and I've gotta say, Ugh I hate evap lines!!! I know, I said I was going to wait until tomorrow to test, but I just couldn't help it. I dreamt that I had a little baby boy and he was the most adorable little person I've ever seen. I just couldn't take my eyes off of him and just felt so in love. I didn't want to wake up. I just wanted to keep dreaming. I can't wait for it to become a reality. So, like I said I took a cheapie this morning, got a very, very faint line, and I swear there was color in it, but then the color disappeared and it was a very defined evap line. I took a 6 day before missed peirod first response, and I thought I seen a line, but I think my eyes and brain might have been playing tricks on me, about 2 minutes later, I could only see maybe a shadow of a line, but it might not have been there. Ugh! Just going to wait a bit longer to test... Not sure if I feel very hopeful this round, I don't feel that we got to BD as much because of the UTI I got right around O. As far as any symptoms, I had a couple dizzy spells yesterday morning and the night before. Also have felt really tired. Still no sore bbs, which is unusual. And I swear I've had a heightened sense of smell, that I've been noticing for about three days. Keeping my fingers crossed. As for my UTI I'm feeling much better and will be taking my last antibiotic. If I don't get pregnant this round I don't know what my doctor wants to next... 4th round of clomid, natural cycle, IVF, more testing? Just not sure. I really hoping not to do IVF though... Hopefully this will be my last cycle and that I'm already pregnant. All I want to do today is just lay in bed and take a nap, then maybe get out and do some gardening. Got to make it through the work day first though.

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12 years ago

I'm so excited! I got a positive OPK this morning! I'm using the Clearblue Easy OPKs with the smiley faces and I swore I was never going to get a smiley face... and then there it was this morning! Needless to say DH and I had to take full advantage of the good news and BD. I'm excited about making it back to the TWW. I just hope I don't drive myself crazy during the wait. Who am I kidding? I'll probably be testing at 4 or 5 DPO.

Good luck to JamixNix, Swimmom and Felurian and anyone else testing or about to start testing. I hope you all get your BFPs this cycle!

A belated welcome to Bemo! I hope Clomid works for you this go round!

to all!

Gina (28) DH (41) DS (1/3/2010) Finally pregnant after 18 months of TTC and three rounds of Clomid! User Image

12 years ago

Thanks for the link. Found it much easier with that lol.

JamieNix- Good luck and fingers are crossed for you and hope you see that BFP in a few days.

Sweeti7628- Congrats on you Positive OPK this morning now get to BD. I use the same kind and it is so nice to see those smiley face. What CD are you on?

I am on CD 7 today and my last night of clomid. I think i have been more emotional this month because I took the BFN last month really hard. I feel my ovaries kicking in so I am praying for a micarle this month. I will be taking a break next month from meds as this is my fourth cycle on clomid. I have been BBT this cycle and i don't understand much of any of it lol. Thought I would do that and opk and see if get the same info.

Here is to hearing some really good news ladies. Keep your head up and try and stay positive. I know how hard that can be.

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12 years ago

Hello ladies! Hopefully with the new thread I can catch up and keep up! Congrats to all the BFP's and hugs to everyone who got found by AF. Fingers crossed to all of us in the TWW!

Yes, I said all of us to include myself. I took clomid on cd3-7 this cycle and yesterday on cd12 I had my 5th IUI. I'm very positive for this cycle, because I needed to have the leading follicle on the left side since I'm now missing my right tube. I ended up with 3 very big (18,19 and 22mm) follicles all on the left! And get this...not a single one on the right. DH's deposit was pretty good too, with a huge volume, (153 million!) and we got 13 million post wash which was the same as the last IUI that was BFP. His morphology went up to 2% (so still very much below normal, but it went up!) so the vitamin regime I have him on is obviously working.

I had a trigger shot too, which I am testing out until it goes negative. I'm hoping that the same thing happens as did the last time and that when it goes negative it starts turning positive again right away.

Luck and hugs to all!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

12 years ago

@tricia_11: I am on CD 17. Last time I O'd on CD 22 on 50 mg of Clomid, so it looks like I'm going to O a little sooner this go round with 100 mg. As for temping, I've been doing it awhile, as have many others in here, so I'm glad to try to answer any questions you might have about BBTs. I hope this is your miracle month!

@lisserb: Having three large follicles on the left sounds very promising! I hope your IUI is a HUGE success! I've got my fingers crossed for you!

Gina (28) DH (41) DS (1/3/2010) Finally pregnant after 18 months of TTC and three rounds of Clomid! User Image

12 years ago

I have been missing you all and glad to find the new thread. I caved at 5dpo and tested which is so silly really. I just don't know why I do it. Of course BFN. I am 8dpo and reallly not feeling any symptoms other than tired and a little cranky. I had a crazy dream that I had fountains of milk squirting out my breasts. How weird is that? When I woke up I could feel the heaviness and that feeling of your millk letting down when the baby cries...I told dh and he didn't hear the "dream" part. he thought I was in the bathroom with milk fountains for' took him a minute to figure it out. I will certainly test again in the morning, and keep testing until I get a bfp or until shows. I am praying life into my uterus.
Happy to hear about positive opk's and other people testing!

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12 years ago

@Swimmom- that story is hilarious! I can't imagine what your DH was thinking when he heard you were in the bathroom as a milk fountain :) I hope you see a BFP soon!!!

@lisserb- 3 follicles! Happy news! I hope your IUI is successful!

@tricia- I wish you the best this cycle, and hope you don't have to see another BFN. When are you going to test?

@Sweeti- I love the little smiley face! It's SO exciting to see one, isn't it? The first time I used it and got a positive, I started doing a little booty-shake dance and singing a smiley face song I made up on the spot. My DH thought I had gone completely crazy haha. I hope you catch the egg(s) this time!!!

@JamieNix- 2 evap lines is awfully unlucky. Maybe they are not evaps? Or perhaps it's your eyes tricking you. I hate when they do that.

Well, I tested early (obviously, I never actually believed I could wait until 12 DPO). There is totally a super faint line next to the control line... BUT, it didn't show up until the stick had dried a little, probably 20ish minutes after testing. So, it's probably an evap. I'll just have to keep testing and waiting! Ahh! This is why I need to toss the tests in the trash and NOT dig them out!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

12 years ago

@ felurian: Thanks! I actually did a little happy dance myself when I saw the smiley face! LOL!

@ swimmom: Love the story! That is a hilarious dream!

Gina (28) DH (41) DS (1/3/2010) Finally pregnant after 18 months of TTC and three rounds of Clomid! User Image

12 years ago

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