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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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You must be excited to be getting into that second trimester busterdogs!

I just got back from my four day cruise with my DP.

It was so relaxing. I didn't take my Maybe Baby and I didn't think about conceiving at all.

I know AF is coming soon - I'm starting to know the symptoms. Last time I was SO sure I was implanting, but it was just the AF cramps that I now realise come for about 10-12 days leading up to it.

That's a new thing as I've gotten older. I only used to get cramps the day before, or even just on the first day.

I couldn't even tell you what day my next AF is due. I know it's soon, but not sure of exactly when.

I have to say, not tracking feels so relaxing. I feel far less stressed about it.

We are doing the BD every second day and that's all that matters to me right now. I wouldn't be doing anything differently if I knew I was ovulating.

The panic is over for me now as well. DP keeps telling me to relax, that we are only a newish couple and not to worry. I keep telling him my eggs don't realise that.

Now I'm just ready to see if it happens naturally, and if it doesn't, I'll look at the donor route.

9 years ago

Busterdog, I'm happy to see things moving along so smoothly. I wouldn't worry too much about the screening b/c as you said before, your donor was young. I'm sure it'll be fine. Thanks for the warning about being careful about coughing, sounds awful, ! But...I'm glad it's for a good reason.

SydneyNat, glad you are having such a relaxing time with your DP. It's good to see others who are also deciding to relax and have fun in life and not let this ttc bit get the best of them.

AFM: I started with gonal f stimulation for this IUI cycle tonight. I get excited about it every month, lol. One of these months I'll be excited for longer, who knows maybe 9 months??? This weekend will be one of my first times playing violin in a "jam session" so I'm practicing & looking forward to it.


9 years ago

Best of luck tonight eat2nourish! Baby dust xox

9 years ago

Good day my gorgeous ladies ,
It's good to see everyone is doing well and getting on with things. It's a frustrating thing this TTC so we have to grab happiness wherever and whenever we can get it.

I'm very pleased for you Busterdogs, time is going by so quickly and it only seems like yesterday you got your BFP

SydneyNat so pleased you've been relaxing, really good to know and your DP is right, take it easy and one day at a time, you're doing everything right and it will happen, a friend of mine always used to say to me, 'WHAT IS FOR YOU WON'T GO PAST YOU!', this is true. When I was looking for a job she said that to me and I eventually got the perfect one for me.

eat2nourish again this cycle, the same applies to you regarding the quote, you'll become a mummy some day I'm sure of it and I really love your positive attitude towards everything, it's so sweet to see and I can tell you're a very loving person even though I haven't met you, you don't complain and don't moan, you just find ways to deal with things and get on with it. You're inspiring!

I do hope everyone else is going well. Lots of love from me and tons of and . May all our dreams come true!

9 years ago • Post starter

Aww thanks Onemorebaby. I feel the same about you. It's always so good to read your posts. xx

9 years ago

Wish I knew if I was prego already! ! This is driving me crampy and sensitive nipples hard to tell I hope the Clomid helped. Gonna test Sunday! Please pray for me thanks!

9 years ago

Hello everyone,

Thought I would pop in and give a status update. Just had an ultasound an hour and a half ago to check on how things are developing (this is 9 weeks and 6 days now). I was soooooo nervous my blood pressure was sky high! But we saw the baby and it has 2 arms and 2 legs! It was moving and measuring well with heartbeat! I just can't believe it after all the miscarriages/chemicals I have had this last year!

I wish you all luck and please, please do not give up hope! I am 44 and this pregnancy is a result of a third IUI. I was prepared to do 6! And still will if things don't work out.

I know I am not out of the woods yet and I am still nervous as hell and overanalyzing every symptom or lack thereof.

Here is to wishing you all !

9 years ago

Oooh Karamyl! That's such great news! Congratulations on your 9 week old baby photo. I'm sending lots of your way.

I'm at CD 8 and feeling a little pain in both ovaries due to stim meds. I suggested to my RE to follow the same schedule as my former RE did in January this year since that's the one time I got a BFP. Hopefully if all goes well we'll trigger on CD 14.

Where is everybody? to all of us who are still trying!

9 years ago

Hi all! I am 2 dpo. Praying so hard this one works. I don't know if it doesn't if I should soon schedule an apt with a dr for help. I am taking supplements and doing the self fertility femoral massage prior to ovulation. We managed to bd every day starting at day 7 through ovulation day 12.

So happy for your good news karamyl!

babydust to everyone!

9 years ago

Hi All,

Smiling4us, I think you asked about my background. I'll admit I wasn't TTC until a couple years ago when I got married for the first time at 43. My husband is 8 years younger (also first marriage) and we had an honest discussion about kids prior to marriage. I was very clear on likely challenges in me having children. We talked adoption, fostering, and even went to an RE to understand options. The RE offered us an option, but given my age, she did not recommend working to harvest my eggs because of her concerns with overall timing given quality. She fully endorsed me proceeding with donor eggs, which is what we ended up doing. We had implantation on our first try, I think we've been exceptionally lucky.

We had our First Trimester Screening last week, which I am happy to report was "well-within normal" range according to the call I got from the nurse today. It was a relief for sure. Tomorrow I have my first Perinatologist appointment, I'm really looking forward to it and all the continued extra-attention I've been getting.

Good Luck to All!

9 years ago

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