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Over 40 & TTC anyone in my boat???

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Hi Everyone,

I am 44 this year and am TTC, I got married back in 2012 to my DH... We had a MC back in 2011.

I have 2 daughters for my previous married aged 20 & 16 with we love dearly.

I had been on the POP Cerazette/Cerelle for about 2 years and have hear so horror stories about not having AF etc...

Well I had been one of the lucky ones so far, I came off POP Jan 29th 2014 & O on the 13th.
Then on 15dpo AF came.

I guess I had mixed feelings as we are TTC but was still happy that we are in the game.

Anyone in the same boat?

Please share your stories

746 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hiya Hun hope all is well. We are still giving it one last go here. It's coming Upto a year since we been trying and nothing has happened. I think it's soon be time to hang up my boots and say goodbye as we ain't getting any younger and maybe it's just not meant to be.

I'm bless with my children I have now and thank my lucky stars with what I have, as some ladies don't even have any xx

8 years ago

Unfortunately aunt flow arrived again and unfortunately I don't think I ovulated last month so the long wait starts until next month's opportunity.
Felt quite positive about last month an am now feeling rather low, this roller coaster can be tough sometimes, hoping it'll be worth it.
Baby Dust To All

8 years ago

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this forum as well. I'm 40 TTC after a mc on December 5. (Rest in Peace Our little Peanut). I'm 7 DPO (second cycle since mc) and I could swear I'm experiencing preggo symptoms. I'm really exhausted, moody and been feeling nauseous. I feel like puking when I brush my teeth/tongue (that has happened with all my pregnancies.) I have a 20 y/o DD and had two mc (2003,2015). I'm not taking supplements or anything, we're trying to conceive naturally with the help of Mother Nature LoL. I'm planning on taking a hpt this Saturday. Crossing my fingers for a BFP!

8 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum...just looking for support. I am 44 and ttc since 05/2014....we try to stay positive but nothing so far but just one chemical pregnancy...on cycle 32 today with it being 16dpo and no AF..kinda leery about taking a test since all have been negative so far...feeling the fatigue...sore breasts...and now feeling a pulling twinge feeling in my abdomen...doesn't feel like regualr cramps but a bit uncomfortable. It comes and goes but not sure what to make of it...I have a 22, 14, and 9 yr old from previous marriage so with this one we want to have one of our own...I had a tubal reversal so that has made things more challenging...I wish baby dust to each one of you here and hopefully this test will bring me the BFP I am looking for because right now...I am just about ready to throw in the towel..

8 years ago

Just checking in with you beautiful ladies. So my DH and I after consulting our fertile specialist and many test were encouraged to try donor eggs. At 42yrs, my eggs just weren't what we wanted to see. We did, and transferred 2 day 5 hatching embryos and today we got our so long awaited positive hpt! I go in for my first beta blood draw on Wed.

Never give up! Baby dust, and many hugs to each of you!

8 years ago

Good morning ladies. Haven't been here in a long while. I would like to get this group back up to speed. Welcome to all the new ladies. I'm 44 and hubby and I have now been TTC for 5 years with no actual luck yet. This cycle is going to be different. I've lost 11 lbs and I'm taking a new multi vitamin called Nutraburst. It carries 72 main essential vitamins. All your amino acids like folate,and all your greens. But first I started off with a detox. Cleaned out my body,liver,colon,blood. This cycle I saw such a change in my body. Praying with all the changes that this will be our last cycle TTC. Hope to hear from you ladies. I know that I got really quiet up in here but let's make a change and encourage one another.

Beaundra Edghill

8 years ago

Hi ladies! I am 47 with three kids (well two of them aren't kids anymore lol) - my oldest daughter is 24 and she had a baby who will be 3 at the end of August so yes I am a grandm-m well you know lol), my son is 19 and my youngest daughter is 8. My two oldest kids are from a prior relationship and my daughter is between my husband and I. We've been married for 13 years come November. I would love to have one more between us and give my daughter a full sibling. She keeps asking for a brother or sister (mostly sister lol) but I would also love to have a boy as my husband is the last hope in carrying his bloodline and family name. To give all you older ladies like me hope, I concieived naturally in October of 2013 right before I turned 45 and again in February after I turned 45. Sadly, the first pregnancy resulted in a mc at 10 wks, and the second was a chemical pregnancy BUT I DID CONCEIVE and that is the main thing! If I did it then I keep thinking I can do it again lol. I am a type 2 diabetic and my diabetes was WAY out of control when I got pregnanct the last two times so I really feel that is what caused my mc's. I have now been under the care of my doctor for a year and I am still working on getting my diabetes under better control. I've done a pretty good job, but it's still a struggle! I have constant yeast infections which make trying difficult so I haven't been able to fall pregnant in the past three years. Sometimes I do think it's too late but I really don't want to let myself believe that. I have just now started to seriously start trying again and have even used ovulation strips for the first time ever this cycle! I never even thought I would see that surge but I did so I BDed my butt off lol. I used to try temping but I believe I now have Fibro so my sleep is very disturbed and interrupted and I don't think I sleep straight through hours enough to get reliable temps. I am also taking prenatal vitamins, and have done for awhile. I am also taking a probiotic to help with the yeast infections and it seems to be working pretty well so far. I have even considered acupuncture but I don't know if my insurance would cover it and I don't think I could afford it. I have stopped taking most of my meds without my doctor's knowledge or consent because they're bad for pregnant women and babies. I go to my doctor on the 20th of this month and I'm really nervous to see what my A1C and cholesterol levels will be. I am still taking my insulin. It might be me stressing this past week (I am now in the 2WW) but my blood sugars have been way higher than normal and my resting heart rate on my garmin vivofit has been higher than normal, though my pulse/heart rate has always been on the high side. I know I have to tell my doctor that I wish to become pregnant, but I am terrified that he will tell me he does not recommend it, that it is simply too late for me and I really don't want to hear that :-( So I don't know what to do!

I am 9 dpo today I have been testing since 6 dpo lol, all BFNs but I know there's still time!

I didn't meant to keep rambling. Thank you to anyone who actually took the time to read my whole post lol! Good luck and lots of baby dust to us all and please don't give up hope - I'm not!

8 years ago

POP Cerazette/Cerelle - what does this mean? Sorry I feel so stupid asking?

8 years ago

Welcome glad to meet you. I'm 44 and ttc 5 years. Praying for a set of twins. Girl and boy. I have 6 children out side of my husband. My husband and I don't have any children together. This cycle is different from the rest. I just lost 11 lbs hoping this will boost my fertility.

Beaundra Edghill

8 years ago

Hello ladies, checking in.

I sadly miscarried my babies a few days ago. We are grieving and working through what to do next. We have two more embryo's left (one a good gradable 5 day blastocyst, the other a day 5 early stage non-gradable blastocyst), then we are done. No more funds and the emotional toll is just to great. The RE has given us the green light to start again next month, but I'm honestly afraid. They froze these last two together, so we need to use them both at one time ideally, when a part of me wanted to try one at a time. They would have to thaw both, then refreeze one and they said the process on the embryo's can decrease its survival rate each time.

We chose to not have them PGD tested and perhaps these past two had chromosomal issues that we didn't know, it hurts the same.

Hugs to each of you going thru the struggles.

8 years ago

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