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Over 40 & TTC anyone in my boat???

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Hi Everyone,

I am 44 this year and am TTC, I got married back in 2012 to my DH... We had a MC back in 2011.

I have 2 daughters for my previous married aged 20 & 16 with we love dearly.

I had been on the POP Cerazette/Cerelle for about 2 years and have hear so horror stories about not having AF etc...

Well I had been one of the lucky ones so far, I came off POP Jan 29th 2014 & O on the 13th.
Then on 15dpo AF came.

I guess I had mixed feelings as we are TTC but was still happy that we are in the game.

Anyone in the same boat?

Please share your stories

746 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi Ladies,

just to let you know that you can still get a natural BFP: I am now 28 weeks pregnant below is my story posted several months ago

" I sincerely hope my story will help many of you who are TTCing. I am 39 years old,I have been trying to conceive baby nr 1 for 6 years. I had 3 miscarriages: the first one at 8-9 weeks, and the two others at 5-6 weeks. to increase my chances of conceiving an healthy baby I changed a lot of things: doing a lot of divers workouts(mainly INSANITY from Shaun T.), slowly cutting off red meat and milk products (cheese, milk, cakes...), getting more vegetables, fruits, juices I get them from fresh fruits, I do them myself without adding any sweetener, most of time I drink pure filtered water minimum 2 liters a day ( I bought a BRITA filter), I just went for an healthy eating... to boost my fertility, I started a year ago to take a prenatal vitamins + extra folic acid (500 mg) + fresh royal jelly (2X500mg: morning/evening)+CQ10 ubiquinol form (2X100 mg morning/evening)+ bio pomegranate powder(less than 1X tea spoon diluted in pure water in the morning)+ pure raspberry leaves infusion(2X tea spoon morning/evening).6 months before BFP, I started with evening primrose (12 first days of my cycle) (2X500mg: morning/evening) and flaxseed oil ( remaining days of my cycle) (2X500mg: morning/evening).after sex, put your legs up to help the sperm to get into the uterus.The royal jelly and cQ10 was to improve my eggs quality, raspberry leaves and pomegranate was to improve my blood flow and improve my uterus lining. evening primrose and flaxseed was to improve my cervical mucus. all these efforts paid off I am now 12-13 weeks pregnant,
if you have any question don't hesitate leave me a note at :

10 years ago

AF showed her ugly head again yesterday so disappointed. We are off this Friday to have my partner's sperm counts done again as he has changed his lifestyle to be more healthy. This is something we have both been trying to do. Eat better, exercise, I take pregnancy supplements, evening primrose oil, reduce alcohol etc etc.
So next cycle begins and let hope it is the time.

to all you lovely ladies

10 years ago

Hello, I'm 41 and just got a bfp 9dpo yesterday. I had a CP last cycle. This was my first ever BFP.

Anyway.... I had a very long cycle post CP, ov on cd 40, to top it off it was 6/7 day old sperm too! I guess my body really wants to be pregnant!

I'm praying this one sticks, but I'm trying to not get too excited, it feels a bit different this time.

To add to my soap opera I'm also now single, the BF and I split prior to me finding this out. That's going to be an interesting conversation to have. ...

But that's ok as before I met him I was considering solo fertility treatment .

Good luck to you all, I hope my story, although still very early, gives some hope to over 40s trying to conceive xx

10 years ago

Awww Flower I am so sorry sweetheart... let us know what the doctors say.

I am popping down to see my GP this Thursday for a chat xx

10 years ago • Post starter

vetrolive welcome and thank you for your story, I have just changed the way I eat myself...I still eat red meat though lol but eat so much fruit and veg its unreal I love it and am losing weight. thank you for your input xx to you x

10 years ago • Post starter

on your smiler72 that is awesome news to you.

You can be mother and father to your child hunni, in my 1st marriage my hubby was never there I was mum and can do it!

Thank you for sharing your story it gives the rest of us in our 30's-40's Hope xx

10 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for those words. I've still not told him, well he doesn't return my calls anyway so his problem ;)

I'm so confident I can do this, great support around me and I'm just hoping it sticks.

So hard to get excited when getting over a cp.

Good luck to you too xx

10 years ago

Awww sorry to hear that my thoughts and prayers are with you hun.... keep us posted xx

10 years ago • Post starter

Went to the doctors today long story short (long story in ttc journal) he think I may be premenopausal nice thank you.... needless to say I feel shattered D:

any news? good news please...I need cheering up :D


10 years ago • Post starter

We are not going to claim that report I bind that lie up right now in Jesus name. The enemy wants you to get discouraged and think that you can't have what God says that you can have. Keep praying and believing that you will conceive. Have you ever heard of Ubiquinol? Its CoQ10 in a broken down form and it is recommended for those over 35 to take when ttc. Try this suppliment for the next 6mon every day. You and your dh can take it as well its good for the sperm. And then lets see what happens. How long have you and dh been ttc?

<a href=

10 years ago

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