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BYOB: Bring on the BFPs!!

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Hi all!

I have been on this site for what feels like forever (2yrs+) The BYOB threads have always been a great place for ladies to come for ttc support, answers, suggestions & even venting our frustrations! We used to have a hard time keeping up with all the chatter & made some great friens on here! I would love for it to be that again!

Former BYOB ladies & all newcomers welcome to join us! Cant wait to chat with you all!!

I aill start things off with an intro...

My name is Joy
I am 29 (30 in May) & dh is 30
I'm Canadian
Was married in 2009
I started ttc in April 2010
Got my 1st bfp in August 2010 & m/c'd naturally at 8 weeks
Got my 2nd bfp in late June 2011 & had a missed m/c at 11 weeks (baby died at 8)
Many complications followed - including a nearly 3 week hospital stay
Got my 3rd bfp on March 21st 2012 - finally success!Delivered my beautiful baby boy on Dec 4th
I am currently breastfeeding, & waiting for my cycle to return
I would like my kids to be about 2yrs apart & if thing take as long as last time we will need to get back to ttc soon! lol

Cant wait to chat with you all!
xx Joy

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301 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Kat - Yep Dollar Tree has them too1 lol (& they work) Its dangerous having them sp cheap - makes testing far too easy!! (They have hpts too) Donno about dollar tree but the ones at dollarama you peen in a cup & use the dropper to put it in a little hole on the strip.. lol they are really easy to use!
Hope you have a nice trip!

Elle - Thats sweet that your dd is so excited to have a sibling! I can understand it being sad tho. Hope it happens for you soon hun!

Happy St. Patricks Day!! Hope everyone is doing well!
xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Everyone!

I know Joy and Kat well!

My dh and friends call me Aisha. I joined ctp two years ago and was active on the BYOB thread here and then also on the CMP site after I conceived my son, Zain. He is now 14 months old so I don't get much time on the computer anymore as it's hard for me to get on without him trying to type too! And he isn't a good sleeper so I don't get too much time while he is sleeping so I won't be on here as much as I was when ttc #1!

Here are my stats:

I'm 26
1 son age 1 and one stepson age 12
Been married for almost 4 years
Went to medical school but now I'm a stay at home mom
Still breastfeeding my 14 month old so AF has not returned yet.

Anyway... I'm not really sure why I'm here since I'm not ttc right now....

I guess it's because I had really super irregular cycles before and so ttc was difficult. My cycles lasted anywhere between 3-6 months. And like I said, I still haven't had af since my son was born and while I know that can happen while breastfeeding, it still stresses me out with my history.

So in my perfect world, I was going to wait until my first child was about 2 and a half or 3 before ttc again. But with my history, I'm thinking about ntnp as soon as I get .

I always loved being on here before and I look forward to getting to know all you ladies.

Good luck to all those who are actively ttc!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Pookerdooks!! There is a name I havent seen in a while!! Glad to have you back on the byob thread again sweetie!! :D

As you know I am not actively ttc right now either, just getting to know my cycles for when I do! Hopefully it wont take as long for us to fall pg the 2nd time around!!

AFM - ds is snoozing beside me... so cute! guess i should get some sleep.

xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

Aisha!!! - So happy to see you :) I remember you very well .. even remember your real name! So happy to see you on here, even if you aren't ttc quite yet. I'm still bfing Gemma too and she is 15 months now .. but I got af back when we started giving her more baby food, around 7 months. Each of our experiences falls within the normal range of what I've heard you can expect about getting af back. I hope for your sake that things can start up when you want them to so you can start ttc #2 when you feel it is appropriate. So great to hear an update from you though and feel free to post whenever you are able to <3

Elle - So sorry that you got thrush! Hope it clears up soon. Hopeful for you and anxious for testing time!!

Joy - I remember seeing some sort of tests at Dollar Tree a couple of days ago when I popped in to buy dd stickers and board books, but I didn't bother to take a look at which they were. I am adopting an expensive poas addiction. Since I learned I was pregnant the first time on a frer digital ... I've been buying those. I got a 5 pack for 20 bucks last cycle and used 3 LAST cycle. So, two left for this cycle. Last time I tested with a frer digi on 13dpo and got a bfn. Didn't get a bfp until 16dpo I think which was the morning of my expected af .. but af was more predictable those months.

AFM, got back from out-of-state last night. Went to Ryan's to have dinner with extended family last night. Not having siblings and not being super close with either of my parents, it's nice to be able to get together with aunts, uncles, and cousins because to me they feel like close adopted family. Got home and practically CRASHED!! Dh was lying on the floor about to fall asleep and I couldn't move in my computer chair. It was only 7:50. Gemma's bedtime is 8, so we put her to bed, bd'ed quickly and fell asleep before 9 lol. We normally go to bed around 11 or later so we really were exhausted from all of the activity over the weekend. Still physically exhausted today from toting Gemma all around, holding her while she napped, (OMG, I just pressed the wrong button and my browser went back and I thought I had lost all of this *whew*) etc. Gemma is really clingy and doesn't like to go to other people, so I can always expect a workout when we go somewhere.

I am going to assume today is O day and we bd'ed last night so ....... *sigh* we will see. So nervous and hopeful that we can mirror our pregnancy last time exactly 2 years ago.

Lots of to all of you wonderful ladies, and particularly happy to see you again Aisha!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I tried to skim over the first couple of pages to get to know the ladies I don't know.

Emma- congrats! I remember craving a reuben when I first became pregnant with ds... until the morning sickness came!


Joy-It's nice to be back

Kat- I hear you about being exhausted after carrying a toddler all night. I usually end up holding Zain most of the time when we are out. DH actually teases me about having manly arms and shoulders because my muscles have gotten huge!

I saw you guys were discussing tests. With ds I got a bfp at 10 dpo with one of those cheap internet dip strips that are about 80 cents a test but got a bfn with the same urine sample on a frer. Since then I will only buy cheap tests especially since I'm a poas addict! I'm 14 months postpartum with no af and yet since Zain was born I've probably POAS 8 times! Anytime I have any symptom of pregnancy I worry that I ovulated on got pregnant and wouldn't realize it since I haven't had AF! I found a few months ago that Walmart actually sells hpts for 88 cents a piece so I bought a whole bunch of those so I can just pull them out when the paranoia hits.

And I just want to clarify that I'm not paranoid about being pregnant, just about being pregnant and not knowing it and doing something I shouldn't do while I'm pregnant.

As for giving our children the best, whether that be a sibling or a larger house, we do the best we can with our circumstances which are often beyond our control. And we will never be perfect as parents, but as long as we do our best I believe our children will be fine. I can say, I grew up in a small home with one bathroom and my father walked out when I was young. He emptied our bank accounts and ran up credit cards which he forged my mother's signature on as a cosigner so left us in financial ruin. He was a drug addict and alcoholic. But my mother kept it together and my family never failed to help and shower my sister and me with all the love we needed. So despite the hard circumstances I have always considered myself to be blessed and I remember my childhood as a very happy one. I know my mother felt discouraged that she couldn't give us "the best," but she gave us her whole heart and neither my sister or I could ask for more. And we both turned out just fine

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11 years ago

Good Morning!
Pookerdooks - Hello and welcome back :) I agree with the cheap tests I have POAS so much since my DD was born I had to use them or I would be bankrupt lol! Still never seen a positive on anything other than a FRER though but that's more sown to my faulty Ovaries ;)
Popstart8ter - The Thrush is driving me insane! I think it's from wearing too-tight jeans to work the other day and sitting down for hours :/ It would be so cool if you did get pregnant and 'mirrored' last time.
Joy - I am sure after another couple of months you'll be back on track with your cycles ready for round 2 :)
afm - My period is due on Thursday/Friday eeeeeeeeeeek lol my boobs are really sore so much so it hurts when I walk and they 'jiggle' haha but I always get sensitive heavy boobs in the run up to AF. Haven't bought any tests at all. Had my progesterone blood draw today, slightly later that usual but today was the 1st day I had that I wasn't working or a weekend.

11 years ago

Aisha - What an experience. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I really should remember that. Something similar happened to my mothers family. My grandfather had a whole second family that my grandmother didn't know about and he eventually left her with 4 children to go live with his girlfriend and other children. I always hear the stories of how little they had, but never that they were sad or bitter over their situation ... they always had each other. Thank you for helping me temper my guilt. :)

Elle - Doesn't necessarily mean that the sensitive breasts aren't a sign of pg. I remember thinking for SURE that af was coming any minute when I didn't know yet that I was pg the first time. I had af cramps and "wetness" (cm) that I kept mistaking for af starting. I couldn't judge breast tenderness, or really any breast symptom as a pg symptom right now since I am still bfing. Leaking, soreness, anything unusual could just be contributed to bfing lol.

AFM, on the topic of breastfeeding ... I am typing with such a heavy heart. I am starting to wean Gemma *tear*. I use to be so aggravated with bfing that I only HOPED that I could reach to 12 months. I use to say, "The second she turns 12 months, I am weaning her." but by the time that time came, she was NOT ready to stop and I was indifferent so we kept going. Here we are 4 months later and I am torn and so conflicted. I do not want to nurse Gemma and a newborn, so I want her to be weaned before a new baby comes. We also are expecting work out financing for a new house this summer, around July-ish. I also think that we will transition her to a big girl bed sometime either before the move, right when we move, or after we move so all of her "baby" furniture can be passed down to baby #2. They always say not to wean a baby during some other trying / difficult time so ... a move, a switch to a big girl bed, and a new baby ... I figure that we should go ahead and try to wean her now, not knowing when exactly in the next few months those things might happen.

*tear* I hate for it to end now. I love getting to spend that time with her snuggling. She already resists our kisses and hugs sometimes. I guess I can look forward to spending that time with baby #2, but Gemma IS my baby right now. I have been trying to discuss it with dh and how it is difficult on me, and he has been really supportive.

I've gone from nursing her before and after her nap and before and after sleep at night, to just when she wakes up and goes to sleep at night; and only on one breast. I pretty sure my other side has dried up already. Gemma requested my dried up side after the other side emptied this morning and I had to tell her, "Sorry baby. The milk over here is all gone." and she threw a little fit.

Put her down for her first nap without nursing her yesterday. She wasn't happy but she only whined as I walked out the door and then didn't whine again and slept for a long time. I really thought it would be harder than it has been so far for her, and harder for me physically, but in those aspects, it hasn't been horrible. Just sad .... *sigh*

Officially in the tww!

Lots of to you ladies!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

welcome to the two week wait!
Good luck with weaning Gemma, its quite sad when you stop breast feeding because I guess they become less dependant/baby like

as for me I am 10dpo and my body seems to be calming down. I guess my progesterone is falling. Still have sore breasts but that's normal for me this close to my period so just waiting.

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Sorry I have been so busy I havent gotten on here in a couple days!

Aisha - I am so jealous about the .88 cent tests at Walmart.... Canadian Walmarts dont have those :( According to them Walmart here is a "different company than the one in the USA" it sucks.... Walmart is so much better in the states!!

Kat - I can understand feeling so torn about stopping breastfeeding... I quite enjoy my time with Logan, I think it will be difficult for me when the time comes. Probably a good time for you to be stopping though, as you said it is far more difficult for them when there are other major changes going on in their lives. :)

Elle - Yay for almost testing time!! :) Good luck!! I really hope af doesnt show for you!!

AFM - Have a feeling I am o-ing right about now... not temping or using opks, just judging by cm. So will be in the 2ww soon... tho we arent actually trying yet, so I wont be pg! LoL!
Dh was sick yesterday so ds & I were on our own... nice to have him feeling better today - he cant seem to take his hand off ds now since he went a full 24hrs without holding him!! lol!

Hope everyone is doing well!
xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

rid of the thrush but now full of cold lol its still snowing here I am sick of it. its supposed to be the first day of spring today.

11 years ago

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