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BYOB: Bring on the BFPs!!

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Hi all!

I have been on this site for what feels like forever (2yrs+) The BYOB threads have always been a great place for ladies to come for ttc support, answers, suggestions & even venting our frustrations! We used to have a hard time keeping up with all the chatter & made some great friens on here! I would love for it to be that again!

Former BYOB ladies & all newcomers welcome to join us! Cant wait to chat with you all!!

I aill start things off with an intro...

My name is Joy
I am 29 (30 in May) & dh is 30
I'm Canadian
Was married in 2009
I started ttc in April 2010
Got my 1st bfp in August 2010 & m/c'd naturally at 8 weeks
Got my 2nd bfp in late June 2011 & had a missed m/c at 11 weeks (baby died at 8)
Many complications followed - including a nearly 3 week hospital stay
Got my 3rd bfp on March 21st 2012 - finally success!Delivered my beautiful baby boy on Dec 4th
I am currently breastfeeding, & waiting for my cycle to return
I would like my kids to be about 2yrs apart & if thing take as long as last time we will need to get back to ttc soon! lol

Cant wait to chat with you all!
xx Joy

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301 Replies • 11 years ago



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Yes I am just finishing my Af today actually and I just read that your AF can cause a low basal temp so that maked me feel better.
All I can do is hope it rises now

Thanks for you reply I feel a bit better but will feel better when it comes up.

Will keep you posted :)


11 years ago

Hi ladies!

m2b3 - Yeah af can reak havvock on your bbt! Mine goes all over the place, super low, super high... bounces between sometimes lol Your temp on af is pretty unreliable. Should calm down as you finish :)

Elle - Still have my fingers crossed that you dont get af! But glad your ready for the next cycle if she arrives. :)

AFM - Not much on the ttc front... cd26, not sure what that is supposed to mean at this point tho lol If I were normal I would be expecting af within the next week, but who knows when she will arrive! We shall see if I get stupid and decide to test anyway even tho I dont even know if I o'd or if my cycle will be one month, or 2 months or who knows! Haha!

Hope everyone is well!
xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

14dpo cd 30 . . . no af yet lol but she still has the whole day to appear yet

11 years ago

still nothing on the af front

11 years ago

15dpo cd31 - no af yet . . .

11 years ago

nevermind, af just started :-( onto clomid cycle 10. ttc 4 year 5 months

11 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Elle - Aw I am so sorry hun :( I cant even imagine what you must be feeling after 4yrs+ ttc!! Sending lots of hugs to you, I really hope it happens for you soon!

AFM - Cd29... if af is gonna be "normalish" she should be coming in the next few days. Guess we'll see...

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

joy- totally bummed just about sums it up lol! I am on cd3 and should have started clomid last night but didnt. I just don't know how I feel about the whole ttc journey.

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Elle - Aw hun, I know its frustrating, but dont give up *hug* Maybe take a break this cycle without clomid and try again next month? Maybe a cycle of not worrying about if or when you O'd would be good for you? Relaxing maybe? Hard to say.

Everyone else - where aaarrrreee you? lol, I know Aisha is out of town, but where did everyone else go?

AFM - Cd31, had some killer cramps yesterday so I am hoping that means af will be coming at a more normal time this cycle rather than going 2 months with nothing.

Hope everyone is doing well!
xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Have been on vacation:

clomidmummy: it took my mom 5 years to be pregnant with me. and then she had 2 more without a problem. don't completely give up. My parents do tell everyone though, make sure to relax and live life, because stress won't help. Are they interested in trying anything other than clomid? My neighbor didn't take on clomid so they tried other hormone injections.

AFM: We were on vacation in South Carolina and Georgia. Back to reality! I'm on CD14 today. Negative OPKs still. Had my yearly OBGYN appointment yesterday, so we haven't BD's since Friday, since I didn't want anything to mess with the Pap results. We were going to BD last night, but I've been bleeding from the Pap. Have had off and on pains on both ovaries for about 4-5 days. Hoping its the follicles I'm feeling. I had EWCM a few days ago, just one day. Hoping it comes back because it seemed too early to have it and no positive OPKs yet either. Last time we TTC I would O on CD18, so I'm hoping for the same now! I'm hoping to have a few normal cycles before PCOS acts up! Hopefully BC normalized me enough for a few months at least...

Allison User Image

11 years ago

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