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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Good morning. Cronins yes its subsided. I didnt last very long and was pretty mild. Kinda felt like af was coming but have heard thats common as well. I just freaked out a little yesterday. Thought is still in the back of my mind. Im sure I will feel better when I get my beta back. What dpo are you now?
Lucky, cant wait to hear how many embroys you have today : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy: That's good news. Glad to hear that it subsided.

As for me, I had a modest temp rise this morning. Today is either ovulation day or 1 dpo. Just waiting for confirmation from fertility friend that I ovulated. My opks are still blaring positive. I did get some mild cramping yesterday, so I assume that I ovulated yesterday. Been bding just in case.

7 years ago

Good Mornng laies!

Well, I did get good news! There were 12 mature and 11 fertilized so now I will wait for another update on Sunday :-) I'm relieved, my little ones have to be in there.

7 years ago

That is awesome lucky. Your little ones are definitely in there. Woohoo, I so can't wait to see your bfp. Exciting stuff...

7 years ago

Yayyyy Lucky. Thats a really good amount! I cant wait for your bfp! Plus you will have some frosties for siblings. How awesome! So happy.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks ladies! I am so excited and very happy with these numbers. Can't wait to see how many are still going on day 3 and I will also find out what time my transfer is on Tuesday.

7 years ago

Lucky will your next update be on Sunday? This is so exciting. I am so very happy for you. Now to the transfer and implantation of these little ones.

7 years ago

Cronins my next update will be Sunday, that's the next time they will check on them. She said they do something to them and put them in a new dish and then back in the incubator. I don't think Ive ever been ready for my time off to go so fast lol. I'm just so excited and have so much hope with this many fertilized eggs.

7 years ago

That's awesome Lucky! Your day is right around the corner and so is your bfp.

As for me, I am approximately 2 dpo. I am still bding just in case of a late ovulation or a second ovulation. I just wanted to cover all my bases lol.

7 years ago

Lucky I cant wait to hear your next update tmrw!! We will be at the lake most of the day at our little ones 3rd Birthday party but I will be trying to check in when I can : )
Cronins, it will be testing time before ya know it! So excited to see your guys' bfps coming next.
Afm. Still getting darker. I have slowed way down on testing. Most likely wont test tmrw unless its another wondofo. I will use my last frer just before I go for my blood work on Tues. left is Thurs and right is today : )
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7 years ago • Post starter

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