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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Miracle - good to see you back lady! I am currently taking a 'Pregnancy Prep' supplement from Natural Fertility Shop. It includes Vitex and Maca among other things.... Prayers for you and your dh during this new time of hope.

Hugs to everyone! I can't wait to get on with this already.... CD3 today... lol

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8 years ago

Thank you ladies. I read about vitex and it does help to prevent mc. No havent done any testing. My blood is not the issue, i know this from old tests. My dr does want to do new testing. Insurance is an issue though:(.....

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Baby what does the pregnancy prep do? Is it a supplement to help with concieving?
I pray for all of us to get our bfp...

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!

It's pretty quiet around here huh? You all's thread seems pretty active. Do you mind if I join you?

I'm 41 and have two boys 11 and 3. My SO and I decided we want another. Came off bc Aug 2015. Fortunately my cycles returned to normal by Oct and have noticed they have shorten a few days. Currently they're averaging 24-26 days. Use to be 29-32. We have been NTNP since then but around June introduced OPKs into the plan and temping in July. I'm not doing anything special. I do drink green tea (more so to help drop some pounds while I wait for my )and take a multivitamin.

SO and I currently live apart but plan to move in together after the first of the year. Hopefully things will happen quicker. I'm hoping to have a baby before my 43rd birthday. I'm not sure I'll want to try anymore once I hit that milestone. I say that now...LOL once upon a time 35 was my cut off

Currently I'm 5dpo, no symptoms, AF is due 8/28. I'm not a POAS-aholic...well reformed. It brings out this obsessive creature in me, so I usually wait until AF is due. Ps...I'm hoping for a girl but obviously having a healthy baby is my ultimate goal. Happy weekend ladies!

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8 years ago

Welcome Mom2! Hope this is your month for a bfp.

Miracle folic acid deficiency causes MC. I suggest taking an additional folic or folate supplement, Best wishes!

8 years ago

Hi 39 yes ive heard that. With my last pregnancy. My folic acid was low but the dr said with prenatal was enough which i thought was wierd. With my daughter i took extra folic acid. Do you know if too much folic acid can hurt? Thank you for the advice.

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Hello lovely ladies,
thank you for all your well wishes, just to update me and OH are still somewhat estranged at mo so Im out for now, who knows what the future might hold though and I still would love my miracle, just wanted to wish everyone well, I will still follow you all and stay in touch and hopefully will be back in the thick of it all with you all again soon
& to all you wonderful supportive peeps and thank you -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Baby. Love it when you try new things Gets me all excited about your upcoming cycle

Miracle. I remembered the doc wanting to test after the mc, I just wish they had been a little more eager to help during your pregnancy. I admire that your back with a fighting spirit, good for you! I couldn't go the ivf route so had to research alternatives too, keeps me busy when the comes and gives me something to focus on.

Mom. Welcome, of course you can join in, the more the merrier. I love the ladies here, they are all so kind and supportive. I've got a 6yr old son and would love a daughter but was also so much fun having a boy, yup healthy baby would do me too. I used to poas from around 6dpo in the early days (was forever optimistic I'd be one of the few) but think most of us get carried away when it all shiny and new. Saying that I still look forward to everyone testing, I get more excited for others so please feel free to share. Hoping you get your bfp soon

39. How are your temps? Are you now past ovulation? I remember reading a couple of posts about ladies getting put on extra folic acid while doing ivf, wonder if it was to help prevent mc?? It's cold here today, wish I could pop over and have a coffee on your deck with you

Pink. I'm sorry it's Crap at the moment, want to come to 39's deck with me? You can bring some cakes and we can break all the rules I know you and your OH will be fine, you both love each other so much. Why do men think if they avoid a situation that it will go away and magically get better? Mine used to tell me "I thought you would calm down if I gave you space". Really??? When has that ever worked with a female. I'm glad your sticking around, we want you break or not

Afm. Opk line is getting dark so looks like my o day is back to normal at last. Should ovulate on Mon so busy busy for me Been on macca this month as well as vitex and I'm getting a lot of cm, do any of them have that effect on you?

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello again ladies, starting my tww again today, not planning on testing though until the 2nd, which is going to be rough, but better than the let down of testing early and 'thinking' I see a faint line, i'd rather wait and see a bold one ;) so there's no question. IF the poas addict in me can be held at bay Lots of love and baby dust to you all, and fx that we all get our BFPS this month

8 years ago

Good day ladies,

Kerzie I just love you. I welcome you and Pink to come bask in the sun on my deck. I know we would have a blast. I hope you are dancing away over there.

Pink stay with us dear and just focus on the positive and things will all work out.

Miracle you can take too much folic acid since it is the synthetic form of the real vitamin folate. Folate is found in dark leafy vegetables and beans. I suggest getting a food based vitamin with folate. I think 600 is a good amount to take. There are lots of whole food based vitamins on the market now.

8 years ago

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